Migration to Python 3
This is a working in progress to convert ia870 to Python 3 Any help is welcome!!
This library is related to the book:
Hands-on Morphological Image Processing by Edward R. Dougherty and Roberto A. Lotufo
SPIE PRESS Vol. TT59 * July 2003 290 pages * Softcover * 0-8194-4720-X
Preview at Google books: http://books.google.com/books?id=-ch3fZTh08EC&lpg=PR3&dq=handson%20lotufo&hl=pt-BR&pg=PR3#v=onepage&q=&f=false
You can buy this book at SPIE bookstore: http://spie.org/x648.html?product_id=501104 or at Amazon bookstore: http://www.amazon.com/Morphological-Processing-Tutorial-Optical-Engineering/dp/081944720X
Morphological image processing, now a standard part of the imaging scientist's toolbox, can be applied to a wide range of industrial applications. Concentrating on applications, this book shows how to analyze a problem and then develop successful algorithms based on the analysis. The book is hands-on in a very real sense: readers can download a demonstration toolbox of techniques and images from the web so they can process the images according to examples in the text.
IA870 Python Morphology Toolbox: http://adessowiki.fee.unicamp.br/adesso/wiki/ia870/MainPage/view/
Here you can see the implementation, documentation and examples of the most functions described in the book
Figures of the book written in Python: http://adessowiki.fee.unicamp.br/adesso/wiki/handson/fig/view/
Here you can see how most of the images were generated with the real implementation using the IA870 Python Morphology Toolbox