This Trino connector stores logical view definitions on the coordinator filesystem, without any dependencies on external databases or object storage.
- Java 23
- Trino 470
1. Install Trino
download and expand tarball to local directory
export TRINO_HOME=$HOME/...
2. Create $TRINO_HOME/etc/catalog/
3. Build the connector and redeploy
mvn clean package && rm -rf $TRINO_HOME/plugin/viewzoo /tmp/viewzoo && cp -r ./target/viewzoo-470 $TRINO_HOME/plugin/viewzoo && mkdir -p /tmp/viewzoo
4. Start Trino
bash bin/launcher run
Create a view with a static result set:
create or replace view viewzoo.example.hello as select * from (values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')) as t (key, value)
Select rows from the view:
select * from viewzoo.example.hello
Delete the view:
drop view viewzoo.example.hello
© 2024-2025 Rob Dickinson (robfromboulder)