This project contains a logical agent which maintains a belief base, and is capable of revising its beliefs when proposed new information
The Agent is instantiated with a set of sympy logical propositions, which informs the agent's initial beliefs. Thereafter, any new information φ given to the agent will go through this pipeline: 1. If the KB is empty, add φ 2. Otherwise, perform resolution to evaluate if KB entails ~φ 3. If KB does not entail ~φ, add φ 4. Otherwise, use Levi identity to add φ by contracting contradicting beliefs and extending the belief base 5. To find contradicting beliefs, use partial meet contraction with a heuristic which prioritizes beliefs with less entrenchment
- Run on Python Interpreter 3.9
- Interact with the agent through a loop, choosing from 3 choices:
- 1 for revision (adding a new belief to the agent)
- 2 for printing current belief base
- 3 to exit
When adding a new belief for revision, please provide a string describing propositional logic in compliance with sympy string syntax (See