Easy to remember desktop installation for RobotPy! For more information about RobotPy, see the documentation.
The instructions below work on a normal computer. For RoboRIO instructions, see the documentatation.
On Windows:
py -3 -m pip install -U robotpy
On Linux/OSX:
pip3 install -U robotpy
At the beginning of build season not all components are available because
vendors haven't made releases set. If you install one of those components,
it will try to install version 0.0.0
There are several categories of optional components that you can install. This uses the standard pip 'extras' installation functionality. The available categories are:
- apriltag
- commands2
- cscore
- navx
- pathplannerlib
- phoenix5
- phoenix6
- playingwithfusion
- rev
- romi
- sim
- xrp
Let's say that you wanted to install the latest version of the NavX software along with command based programming. You would do this:
On Windows:
py -3 -m pip install -U robotpy[navx,commands2]
On Linux/OSX:
pip3 install -U robotpy[navx,commands2]
There is a special 'all' category which will install the core components and all of the optional categories.
On Windows:
py -3 -m pip install -U robotpy[all]
On Linux/OSX:
pip3 install -U robotpy[all]