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remove rresult dependency
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hannesm committed Oct 27, 2021
1 parent ca64c98 commit bbb5174
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Showing 7 changed files with 287 additions and 176 deletions.
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,16 +32,17 @@ let doit email endpoint account_key solver sleep csr =

let main _ priv_pem csr_pem email solver acme_dir ip key endpoint cert zone =
Mirage_crypto_rng_unix.initialize () ;
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
let r =
let ( let* ) = Result.bind in
let priv_pem, csr_pem, cert = Fpath.(v priv_pem, v csr_pem, v cert) in priv_pem >>= fun priv_pem -> csr_pem >>= fun csr_pem ->
Bos.OS.File.exists cert >>= function
| true -> Error (`Msg ("output file " ^ Fpath.to_string cert ^ " already exists"))
| false ->
X509.Private_key.decode_pem (Cstruct.of_string priv_pem) >>= fun account_key ->
X509.Signing_request.decode_pem (Cstruct.of_string csr_pem) >>= fun request ->
let* priv_pem = priv_pem in
let* csr_pem = csr_pem in
let* f_exists = Bos.OS.File.exists cert in
if f_exists then
Error (`Msg (Fmt.str "output file %a already exists" Fpath.pp cert))
let* account_key = X509.Private_key.decode_pem (Cstruct.of_string priv_pem) in
let* request = X509.Signing_request.decode_pem (Cstruct.of_string csr_pem) in
let solver =
match solver, acme_dir, ip, key with
| _, Some path, None, None -> (* using http solver! *)
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion letsencrypt.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ doc: ""
depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.08.0"}
"dune" {>= "1.2.0"}
"base64" {>= "3.1.0"}
"fmt" {>= "0.8.7"}
Expand Down
73 changes: 37 additions & 36 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ open Acme_common
let src = Logs.Src.create "letsencrypt" ~doc:"let's encrypt library"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)

let guard p err = if p then Ok () else err
let ( let* ) = Result.bind

let guard p err = if p then Ok () else Error err

let key_authorization key token =
let pk = X509.Private_key.public key in
Expand All @@ -26,9 +28,9 @@ type solver = {

let error_in endpoint status body =
"Error at %s: status %3d - body: %S"
endpoint status body
Error (`Msg (Fmt.str
"Error at %s: status %3d - body: %S"
endpoint status body))

let http_solver writef =
let solve_challenge ~token ~key_authorization domain =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,9 +73,9 @@ let alpn_solver ?(key_type = `RSA) ?(bits = 2048) writef =
let valid_from, valid_until = Ptime.epoch, Ptime.epoch in
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
Signing_request.create dn priv >>= fun csr ->
Rresult.R.error_to_msg ~pp_error:X509.Validation.pp_signature_error
let* csr = Signing_request.create dn priv in
(fun e -> `Msg (Fmt.to_to_string X509.Validation.pp_signature_error e))
(Signing_request.sign csr ~valid_from ~valid_until ~extensions priv dn)
| Ok cert -> writef domain ~alpn priv cert
Expand All @@ -97,8 +99,7 @@ module Make (Http : HTTP_client.S) = struct
let location headers =
match Http.Headers.get_location headers with
| Some url -> Ok url
| None ->
Rresult.R.error_msgf "expected a location header, but couldn't find it"
| None -> Error (`Msg "expected a location header, but couldn't find it")

let extract_nonce headers =
match Http.Headers.get headers "Replay-Nonce" with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,26 +186,27 @@ let create_account ?ctx ?email cli =
http_post_jws ?ctx ~no_key_url:true cli body url >|= function
| Error e -> Error e
| Ok (201, headers, body) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
Account.decode body >>= fun account ->
guard (account.account_status = `Valid)
(Rresult.R.error_msgf "account %a does not have status valid"
Account.pp account) >>= fun () ->
location headers >>| fun account_url ->
{ cli with account_url }
let* account = Account.decode body in
let* () =
guard (account.account_status = `Valid)
(`Msg (Fmt.str "account %a does not have status valid"
Account.pp account))
let* account_url = location headers in
Ok { cli with account_url }
| Ok (status, _headers, body) -> error_in "newAccount" status body

let get_account ?ctx cli url =
let body = `Null in
http_post_jws ?ctx cli body url >|= function
| Error e -> Error e
| Ok (200, _headers, body) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
(* at least staging doesn't include orders *)
Account.decode body >>| fun acc ->
let* acc = Account.decode body in
(* well, here we may encounter some orders which should be processed
(or cancelled, considering the lack of a csr)! *) (fun m -> m "account %a" Account.pp acc) (fun m -> m "account %a" Account.pp acc);
Ok ()
| Ok (status, _headers, body) -> error_in "get account" status body

let find_account_url ?ctx ?email ~nonce key directory =
Expand All @@ -219,15 +221,16 @@ let find_account_url ?ctx ?email ~nonce key directory =
http_post_jws ?ctx ~no_key_url:true cli body url >>= function
| Error e -> Lwt.return (Error e)
| Ok (200, headers, body) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
Lwt.return begin
(* unclear why this is not an account object, as required in 7.3.0/7.3.1 *)
Account.decode body >>= fun account ->
guard (account.account_status = `Valid)
(Rresult.R.error_msgf "account %a does not have status valid"
Account.pp account) >>= fun () ->
location headers >>| fun account_url ->
{ cli with account_url }
let* account = Account.decode body in
let* () =
guard (account.account_status = `Valid)
(`Msg (Fmt.str "account %a does not have status valid"
Account.pp account))
let* account_url = location headers in
Ok { cli with account_url }
| Ok (400, _headers, body) ->
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,7 +269,7 @@ let process_challenge ?ctx solver cli sleep host challenge =
match challenge.Challenge.challenge_status with
| `Pending ->
(* do some work :) solve it! *)
let open_err f = f >|= Rresult.R.open_error_msg in
let open_err f = f >|= function Ok _ as r -> r | Error (`Msg _) as r -> r in
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
let token = challenge.token in
let key_authorization = key_authorization cli.account_key token in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ let process_authorization ?ctx solver cli sleep url =
begin match List.filter (fun c -> c.Challenge.challenge_typ = solver.typ) auth.challenges with
| [] ->
Log.err (fun m -> m "no challenge found for solver");
Lwt.return (Rresult.R.error_msgf "couldn't find a challenge that matches the provided solver")
Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "couldn't find a challenge that matches the provided solver"))
| c::cs ->
if not (cs = []) then
Log.err (fun m -> m "multiple (%d) challenges found for solver, taking head"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,9 +361,8 @@ let finalize ?ctx cli csr url =
http_post_jws ?ctx cli body url >|= function
| Error e -> Error e
| Ok (200, headers, body) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
Order.decode body >>| fun order ->
headers, order
let* order = Order.decode body in
Ok (headers, order)
| Ok (status, _, body) -> error_in "finalize" status body

let dl_certificate ?ctx cli url =
Expand All @@ -378,9 +380,8 @@ let get_order ?ctx cli url =
http_post_jws ?ctx cli body url >|= function
| Error e -> Error e
| Ok (200, headers, body) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
Order.decode body >>| fun order ->
headers, order
let* order = Order.decode body in
Ok (headers, order)
| Ok (status, _header, body) ->
error_in "getting order" status body

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,7 +425,7 @@ let rec process_order ?ctx solver cli sleep csr order_url headers order =
| `Invalid ->
(* exterminate -- consider the order process abandoned *)
Log.err (fun m -> m "order %a is invalid, falling apart" Order.pp order);
Lwt.return (Rresult.R.error_msgf "attempting to process an invalid order")
Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "attempting to process an invalid order"))
| `Pending ->
(* there's still some authorization pending, according to the server! *)
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -453,7 +454,7 @@ let rec process_order ?ctx solver cli sleep csr order_url headers order =
match order.certificate with
| None ->
Log.warn (fun m -> m "received valid order %a without certificate URL, should not happen" Order.pp order);
Lwt.return (Rresult.R.error_msgf "valid order without certificate URL")
Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "valid order without certificate URL"))
| Some cert ->
dl_certificate ?ctx cli cert >|= function
| Error e -> Error e
Expand Down

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