This repository contains the code and the useful links to reproduce the experiments in the paper Model Monitoring and Dynamic Model Selection in Travel Time-series Forecasting.
The M4 competition dataset, together with the monitored models used in the framework, are available in the original M4 repository.
The implementation of the two meta-learning approaches used for the comparison with our method can be found in the following links:
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- GPy
To use one of the available monitoring models, you can run the corresponding python script, specifying the path of the needed files. Example for LSTM model:
python --observations=<OBSERVATIONS_PATH> --true_values=<TRUE_VALUES_PATH> --forecasts=<FORECASTS_PATH>
: path of csv file containing the observationsTRUE_VALUES_PATH
: path of csv file containing the true_valuesFORECASTS_PATH
: path of csv file containing the forecasts
To perform dynamic model selection, you can run the script
, specifying the path of the needed files:
python --observations=<OBSERVATIONS_PATH> --true_values=<TRUE_VALUES_PATH> --forecasts_folder=<FORECASTS_FOLDER>
: path of csv file containing the observationsTRUE_VALUES_PATH
: path of csv file containing the true_valuesFORECASTS_FOLDER
: path of the folder containing the csv files of forecasts
Please cite it as follows:
year = {2020},
title = {{M}odel monitoring and dynamic model selection in travel time-series forecasting},
author = {{C}andela, {R}osa and {M}ichiardi, {P}ietro and {F}ilippone, {M}aurizio and {Z}uluaga, {M}aria {A}},
booktitle = {{ECML}-{PKDD} 2020, {T}he {E}uropean {C}onference on {M}achine {L}earning and {P}rinciples and {P}ractice of {K}nowledge {D}iscovery in {D}atabases, 14-18 {S}eptember 2020, {G}hent, {B}elgium},
address = {{G}hent, {BELGIUM}},
month = {09},
url = {}