Adding a Rapberry Pi Zero onto the UK Mars Bot
The UKMarsBot is a maze solver and line follower, designed by the UK Mars and Robotics Society (UKMars). It has a Arduino Nano attached as the standard microcontroller.
- GitHub Project page:
- UKMars Project page:
- Building instructions for the UKMarsBot
This project aims to add a Raspberry Pi Zero to that basic design.
There is a provisional scope document here
There is a related seperate GitHub project for the Arduino Nano I/O coprocessor software:
There are two potential methods of connecting a Raspberry Pi Zero to the UKMARSbot:
- Produce an adapter board that converts the Pi Zero header to the Arduino Nano footprint, completely replacing the Ardunio Nano.
- Connect the Raspberry Pi to the Arduino over a serial interface to the existing Arduino Nano and use the Nano as an I/O processor.
This article will examine the second option since this is the simpler option to construct, without a custom PCB. (There are, however, some notes on method 1 provided in 'Replacing the Arduino Nano Entirely'.)
- UKMarsBot - tested working with Arduino Nano
- Arduino Nano v3 (or equivalent third-party Nano)
- Pi Zero v1.3
We will be using a Pi Zero (not a Pi Zero W which uses more power).
- Powering the Pi Zero … 5v Power … consideration on power
- What are the options for communicating between Pi Zero and Arduino Nano?
- Summary of Electrical Connections between Pi Zero and Arduino Nano
- Installing the Pi Zero Operating System
- Logging into the PI
- Disable Linux Console on UART
- Scripting language for the I/O processor
- Mechanical Mounting - Mounting the Pi Zero onto UKMarsBot
- Software for the Pi Zero
- Shutdown down the Pi Zero
- Upgrading the Pi Zero Operating System
- Using a Pi Zero W instead of a Pi Zero
- Programming the Nano from the Pi Zero
- Speed up the Raspberry Pi Boot
- Real time processing on the Raspberry Pi
- Reducing Pi Zero Power consumption
- Replacing the Arduino Nano Entirely
- Crazy and Wierd ideas
- Remote Debugging Python on a Robot
- Increasing the 5v power available to the Pi
- Fitting a camera