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Implement Markdown tables support (GFM extension)
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hamen authored and rock3r committed Jan 21, 2025
1 parent 0512503 commit 341c2e5
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Showing 45 changed files with 1,490 additions and 90 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .idea/modules.xml

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Binary file modified platform/jewel/art/docs/custom-chrome.png
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Binary file added platform/jewel/art/docs/gfm-table-dark.png
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Binary file added platform/jewel/art/docs/gfm-table-light.png
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Binary file added platform/jewel/art/docs/markdown-renderer.png
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Binary file modified platform/jewel/art/docs/merge-dialog.png
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions platform/jewel/foundation/api/foundation.api
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public final class org/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/code/MimeTypeKt {

public abstract interface class org/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/code/highlighting/CodeHighlighter {
public abstract fun highlight-C7ITchA (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lkotlinx/coroutines/flow/Flow;
public abstract fun highlight-zTGadEY (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lkotlinx/coroutines/flow/Flow;

public final class org/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/code/highlighting/CodeHighlighterKt {
Expand All @@ -251,7 +251,11 @@ public final class org/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/code/highlighting/CodeHighligh
public final class org/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/code/highlighting/NoOpCodeHighlighter : org/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/code/highlighting/CodeHighlighter {
public static final field $stable I
public static final field INSTANCE Lorg/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/code/highlighting/NoOpCodeHighlighter;
public fun highlight-C7ITchA (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lkotlinx/coroutines/flow/Flow;
public fun highlight-zTGadEY (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lkotlinx/coroutines/flow/Flow;

public final class org/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/layout/BasicTableLayoutKt {
public static final fun BasicTableLayout-yE4rkUQ (IIJLandroidx/compose/ui/Modifier;FLjava/util/List;Landroidx/compose/runtime/Composer;II)V

public class org/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/lazy/DefaultMacOsSelectableColumnKeybindings : org/jetbrains/jewel/foundation/lazy/DefaultSelectableColumnKeybindings {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public interface CodeHighlighter {
* @see [NoOpCodeHighlighter]
public fun highlight(code: String, mimeType: MimeType): Flow<AnnotatedString>
public fun highlight(code: String, mimeType: MimeType?): Flow<AnnotatedString>

public val LocalCodeHighlighter: ProvidableCompositionLocal<CodeHighlighter> = staticCompositionLocalOf {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf

public object NoOpCodeHighlighter : CodeHighlighter {
override fun highlight(code: String, mimeType: MimeType): Flow<AnnotatedString> = flowOf(AnnotatedString(code))
override fun highlight(code: String, mimeType: MimeType?): Flow<AnnotatedString> = flowOf(AnnotatedString(code))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.drawBehind
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Layout
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import kotlin.math.max

* A simple table that sizes columns to take as much room as they need. If the horizontal space available is less than
* what the cells would take, all columns are sized proportionally to their intrinsic width so that they still can fit
* the available width.
* Cells **must** only contain one top-level component. If you need your cells to contain more than one, wrap your cell
* content in a [`Box`][Box], [`Column`][],
* [`Row`][], etc.
* Incoming height constraints are ignored. The table will always take up as much vertical room as it needs. If you want
* to constrain the table height consider wrapping it in a
* [`VerticallyScrollableContainer`][org.jetbrains.jewel.ui.component.VerticallyScrollableContainer].
* @param rowCount The number of rows this table has.
* @param columnCount The number of columns this table has.
* @param cellBorderColor The color of the cell borders. Set to [Color.Unspecified] to avoid drawing the borders — in
* which case, the [cellBorderWidth] acts as padding.
* @param modifier Modifier to apply to the table.
* @param cellBorderWidth The width of the table's borders.
* @param rows The rows that make up the table. Each row is a list of composables, one per row cell.
public fun BasicTableLayout(
rowCount: Int,
columnCount: Int,
cellBorderColor: Color,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
cellBorderWidth: Dp = 1.dp,
rows: List<List<@Composable () -> Unit>>,
) {
var rowHeights by remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<Int>()) }
var columnWidths by remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<Int>()) }

modifier =
modifier.thenIf(rowHeights.size == rowCount && columnWidths.size == columnCount) {
drawTableBorders(cellBorderColor, cellBorderWidth, rowHeights, columnWidths)
content = { rows.forEach { row -> row.forEach { cell -> cell() } } },
measurePolicy = { measurables, incomingConstraints ->
require(rows.size == rowCount) { "Found ${rows.size} rows, but expected $rowCount." }
require(measurables.size == rowCount * columnCount) {
"Found ${measurables.size} cells, but expected ${rowCount * columnCount}."

val intrinsicColumnWidths = IntArray(columnCount)
rows.forEachIndexed { rowIndex, row ->
require(row.size == columnCount) {
"Row $rowIndex contains ${row.size} cells, but it should have $columnCount cells."

row.forEachIndexed { columnIndex, cell ->
// Measure each cell individually
val measurable = measurables[rowIndex * columnIndex]

// Store the intrinsic width for each column, assuming we have infinite
// vertical space available to display each cell (which we do)
val intrinsicCellWidth = measurable.maxIntrinsicWidth(height = Int.MAX_VALUE)
intrinsicColumnWidths[columnIndex] = max(intrinsicColumnWidths[columnIndex], intrinsicCellWidth)


// The available width we can assign to cells is equal to the max width from the
// incoming
// constraints, minus the vertical borders applied between columns and to the sides of
// the
// table
val cellBorderWidthPx = cellBorderWidth.roundToPx()
val totalHorizontalBordersWidth = cellBorderWidthPx * (columnCount + 1)
val minTableIntrinsicWidth = intrinsicColumnWidths.sum() + totalHorizontalBordersWidth
val availableWidth = incomingConstraints.maxWidth

// We want to size the columns as a ratio of their intrinsic size to the available width
// if there is not enough room to show them all, or as their intrinsic width if they all
// fit
var tableWidth = 0

if (minTableIntrinsicWidth <= availableWidth) {
// We have enough room for all columns, use intrinsic column sizes
tableWidth = minTableIntrinsicWidth
} else {
// We can't fit all columns in the available width; set their size proportionally
// to the intrinsic width, so they all fit within the available horizontal space
val scaleRatio = availableWidth.toFloat() / minTableIntrinsicWidth
for (i in 0 until columnCount) {
// By truncating the decimal side, we may end up a few pixels short than the
// available width, but at least we're never exceeding it.
intrinsicColumnWidths[i] = (intrinsicColumnWidths[i] * scaleRatio).toInt()
tableWidth += intrinsicColumnWidths[i]
tableWidth += totalHorizontalBordersWidth
columnWidths = intrinsicColumnWidths.toList()

// The height of each row is the maximum intrinsic height of their cells, calculated
// from
// the (possibly scaled) intrinsic column widths we just computed
val intrinsicRowHeights = IntArray(rowCount)
var tableHeight = 0
measurables.chunked(columnCount).mapIndexed { rowIndex, rowMeasurables ->
val rowHeight =
.mapIndexed { columnIndex, cellMeasurable ->
val columnWidth = columnWidths[columnIndex]

tableHeight += rowHeight
intrinsicRowHeights[rowIndex] = rowHeight
rowHeights = intrinsicRowHeights.toList()

// Add the horizontal borders drawn between rows and on top and bottom of the table
tableHeight += cellBorderWidthPx * (rowCount + 1)

// Measure all cells, using the fixed constraints we calculated for each row and column
val placeables =
measurables.chunked(columnCount).mapIndexed { rowIndex, cellMeasurables ->
cellMeasurables.mapIndexed { columnIndex, cellMeasurable ->
val cellConstraints = Constraints.fixed(columnWidths[columnIndex], rowHeights[rowIndex])

layout(tableWidth, tableHeight) {
// Place cells. We start by leaving space for the top and start-side borders
var y = cellBorderWidthPx

placeables.forEachIndexed { rowIndex, cellPlaceables ->
var x = cellBorderWidthPx

var rowHeight = 0
cellPlaceables.forEach { cellPlaceable ->
cellPlaceable.placeRelative(x, y)
x += cellBorderWidthPx
x += cellPlaceable.width
rowHeight = cellPlaceable.height.coerceAtLeast(rowHeight)

y += cellBorderWidthPx
y += rowHeight

private fun Modifier.drawTableBorders(
cellBorderColor: Color,
cellBorderWidth: Dp,
rowHeights: List<Int>,
columnWidths: List<Int>,
) = drawBehind {
val borderWidthPx = cellBorderWidth.toPx()
val halfBorderWidthPx = borderWidthPx / 2f

// First, draw the outer border
color = cellBorderColor,
topLeft = Offset(halfBorderWidthPx, halfBorderWidthPx),
size = Size(size.width - borderWidthPx, size.height - borderWidthPx),
style = Stroke(width = borderWidthPx),

// Then, draw all horizontal borders below rows.
// No need to draw the last horizontal border as it's covered by the border rect
var y = halfBorderWidthPx
val endX = size.width - borderWidthPx

for (i in 0 until rowHeights.lastIndex) {
y += rowHeights[i].toFloat() + borderWidthPx
color = cellBorderColor,
start = Offset(halfBorderWidthPx, y),
end = Offset(endX, y),
strokeWidth = borderWidthPx,

// Lastly, draw all vertical borders to the end of columns
// (minus the last one, as before)
var x = halfBorderWidthPx
val endY = size.height - borderWidthPx

for (i in 0 until columnWidths.lastIndex) {
x += columnWidths[i].toFloat() + borderWidthPx
color = cellBorderColor,
start = Offset(x, halfBorderWidthPx),
end = Offset(x, endY),
strokeWidth = borderWidthPx,

// TODO remove this once thenIf is moved to foundation
private inline fun Modifier.thenIf(precondition: Boolean, action: Modifier.() -> Modifier): Modifier =
if (precondition) action() else this
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions platform/jewel/gradle/libs.versions.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ poko = "0.17.1"
commonmark-core = { module = "org.commonmark:commonmark", version.ref = "commonmark" }
commonmark-ext-autolink = { module = "org.commonmark:commonmark-ext-autolink", version.ref = "commonmark" }
commonmark-ext-gfm-tables = { module = "org.commonmark:commonmark-ext-gfm-tables", version.ref = "commonmark" }

filePicker = { module = "com.darkrockstudios:mpfilepicker", version = "3.1.0" }

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ internal class LexerBasedCodeHighlighter(
private val reHighlightingRequests: Flow<Unit>,
private val highlightDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default,
) : CodeHighlighter {
override fun highlight(code: String, mimeType: MimeType): Flow<AnnotatedString> {
val language = mimeType.toLanguageOrNull() ?: return flowOf(AnnotatedString(code))
override fun highlight(code: String, mimeType: MimeType?): Flow<AnnotatedString> {
val language = mimeType?.toLanguageOrNull() ?: return flowOf(AnnotatedString(code))
val fileExtension = language.associatedFileType?.defaultExtension ?: return flowOf(AnnotatedString(code))
val virtualFile = LightVirtualFile("markdown_code_block_${code.hashCode()}.$fileExtension", language, code)
val colorScheme = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().globalScheme
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