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[sertop] Add Python interface using pythonlib
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This PR adds a python interface to the SerAPI protocol using
`pythonlib`, which allows to call OCaml functions from Python.

Current setup is based on , thanks a lot!

But a lot more work is needed in order for this to be useful and to
adhere to Python conventions.

Requires pinning `ppx_python` to commit

Closes: #48
  • Loading branch information
ejgallego committed Sep 22, 2021
1 parent 12800c3 commit 28778a7
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Showing 7 changed files with 244 additions and 2 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,15 @@ js-dist:
rsync -avp --exclude=*~ --exclude=.git --delete js/ ~/research/jscoq-builds

# Python
.PHONY: python


dune build serpyc/$(PYNAME).so
( cd _build/default && python3 build && pip3 install . )

# Misc

Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions serapi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -675,6 +675,8 @@ let coq_exn_info exn =
; str = Pp.string_of_ppcmds pp

let d c = Format.eprintf "component: %s@\n%!" c

(* Simple protection for Coq-generated exceptions *)
let coq_protect st e =
try e () @ [Completed], st
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -889,6 +891,7 @@ let exec_cmd (st : State.t) (cmd : cmd) : answer_kind list * State.t =
let doc = Stm.get_doc !doc_id in
coq_protect st @@ fun () -> match cmd with
| NewDoc opts ->
d "newdoc";
let stm_options = Stm.AsyncOpts.default_opts in
let require_libs = Option.default (["Coq.Init.Prelude", None, Some true]) opts.require_libs in
let dft_ml, dft_vo =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -918,12 +921,13 @@ let exec_cmd (st : State.t) (cmd : cmd) : answer_kind list * State.t =
Serapi_doc.save_vo ~doc ~pstate ~in_file ?ldir:st.ldir; []
| Add (opt, s) ->
d ("add: " ^ s);
let _doc, pa, res = ControlUtil.add_sentences ~doc opt s in
QueryUtil.add_comments pa;
| Cancel stms -> List.concat @@ (fun x -> snd @@ ControlUtil.(cancel_sentence ~doc x)) stms
| Exec st -> ignore(Stm.observe ~doc st); []
| Query (opt, qry) -> [ObjList (exec_query opt qry)]
| Exec st -> d "exec"; ignore(Stm.observe ~doc st); []
| Query (opt, qry) -> d "query"; [ObjList (exec_query opt qry)]
| Print(opts, obj) ->
let st = Stm.state_of_id ~doc opts.sid in
let sigma, env = context_of_st st in
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions serpyc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Coq Python bindings

import os
from ctypes import PyDLL, RTLD_GLOBAL, c_char_p

curdir = dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
dll = PyDLL(f"{curdir}/", RTLD_GLOBAL)
argv_t = c_char_p * 2
argv = argv_t("".encode('utf-8'), None)

# We export the names explicitly otherwise mypy gets confused and
# generates spurious errors
# from serpyc import coq
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions serpyc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
open Base
open Python_lib

module SP = Serapi.Serapi_protocol
module SY = Sertop.Sertop_pyser
module D = Defunc

module CParam : sig
val sid : Stateid.t D.Of_python.t
val coq_object : SP.coq_object D.Of_python.t
val add_opts : SP.add_opts D.Of_python.t
val query_opt : SP.query_opt D.Of_python.t
val query_cmd : SP.query_cmd D.Of_python.t
val print_opt : SP.print_opt D.Of_python.t
end = struct
let sid = D.Of_python.create ~type_name:"sid" ~conv:SY.Stateid.t_of_python
let coq_object = D.Of_python.create ~type_name:"coq_object" ~conv:SY.coq_object_of_python
let add_opts = D.Of_python.create ~type_name:"add_opts" ~conv:SY.add_opts_of_python
let query_opt = D.Of_python.create ~type_name:"query_opt" ~conv:SY.query_opt_of_python
let query_cmd = D.Of_python.create ~type_name:"query_cmd" ~conv:SY.query_cmd_of_python
let print_opt = D.Of_python.create ~type_name:"print_opt" ~conv:SY.print_opt_of_python

let wrap f =
try f ()
with exn ->
let str = Caml.Printexc.to_string exn in
Python_lib.python_of_string str

let exec_cmd =
let st_ref = ref (SP.State.make ()) in
fun cmd ->
let ans, st = SP.exec_cmd !st_ref cmd in
st_ref := st;

(* XXX: use applicative syntax *)
let coq_add : pyobject D.t =
let open D.Param in
let open CParam in
let code = positional "code" string ~docstring:"Coq code to parse" in
let opts = positional "opts" add_opts ~docstring:"add options" in
Defunc.map2 code opts ~f:(fun code opts ->
wrap @@ fun () ->
let cmd = SP.Add (opts, code) in
let ans = exec_cmd cmd in
Python_lib.python_of_list SY.python_of_answer_kind ans

let coq_exec : pyobject D.t =
let open D.Param in
let open CParam in
let sid = positional "sid" sid ~docstring:"sid to reach" in sid ~f:(fun sid ->
wrap @@ fun () ->
let cmd = SP.Exec sid in
let ans = exec_cmd cmd in
Python_lib.python_of_list SY.python_of_answer_kind ans

let coq_query : pyobject D.t =
let open D.Param in
let open CParam in
let cmd = positional "cmd" query_cmd ~docstring:"query command" in
let opts = positional "opts" query_opt ~docstring:"query options" in
Defunc.map2 opts cmd ~f:(fun opts cmd ->
wrap @@ fun () ->
let cmd = SP.Query(opts,cmd) in
Caml.Format.eprintf "going to call query@\n%!";
let ans = exec_cmd cmd in
Python_lib.python_of_list SY.python_of_answer_kind ans

let coq_print : pyobject D.t =
let open D.Param in
let open CParam in
let obj = positional "obj" coq_object ~docstring:"Coq object to print" in
let opts = positional "opts" print_opt ~docstring:"print options" in
Defunc.map2 obj opts ~f:(fun obj opts ->
wrap @@ fun () ->
let cmd = SP.Print(opts,obj) in
Caml.Format.eprintf "going to call print@\n%!";
let ans = exec_cmd cmd in
Python_lib.python_of_list SY.python_of_answer_kind ans

let coq_init () =
let open Sertop.Sertop_init in

let fb_handler fmt (fb : =
let open Feedback in
let open Caml.Format in
let pp_lvl fmt lvl = match lvl with
| Error -> fprintf fmt "Error: "
| Info -> fprintf fmt "Info: "
| Debug -> fprintf fmt "Debug: "
| Warning -> fprintf fmt "Warning: "
| Notice -> fprintf fmt ""
let pp_loc fmt loc = let open Loc in match loc with
| None -> fprintf fmt ""
| Some loc ->
let where =
match loc.fname with InFile f -> f | ToplevelInput -> "Toplevel input" in
fprintf fmt "\"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:@\n"
where loc.line_nb (loc.bp-loc.bol_pos) (loc.ep-loc.bol_pos) in
match fb.contents with
| Processed ->
fprintf fmt "Processed@\n%!"
| ProcessingIn s ->
fprintf fmt "Processing in %s@\n%!" s
| FileLoaded (m,n) ->
fprintf fmt "file_loaded: %s, %s@\n%!" m n
| Message (lvl,loc,msg) ->
fprintf fmt "@[%a@]%a@[%a@]\n%!" pp_loc loc pp_lvl lvl Pp.pp_with msg
| _ -> ()

(* coq initialization *)
{ fb_handler
; ml_load = None
; debug = true
; allow_sprop = true
; indices_matter = false
} Caml.Format.err_formatter;

(* document initialization *)

let stm_options = Stm.AsyncOpts.default_opts in

(* Disable due to *)
let stm_options =
{ stm_options with
async_proofs_tac_error_resilience = `None
; async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience = false
} in

let injections = [Stm.RequireInjection ("Coq.Init.Prelude", None, Some false)] in

let dft_ml_path, vo_path =
Serapi.Serapi_paths.coq_loadpath_default ~implicit:true ~coq_path:Coq_config.coqlib in
let ml_load_path = dft_ml_path in
let vo_load_path = vo_path in

let sertop_dp = Names.(DirPath.make [Id.of_string "PyTop"]) in
let doc_type = Stm.Interactive (TopLogical sertop_dp) in

let ndoc = { Stm.doc_type
; injections
; ml_load_path
; vo_load_path
; stm_options
} in

let _ = Stm.new_doc ndoc in
Caml.Format.eprintf "🐓🐓 Coq's initialization complete 🐓🐓@\n%!"

let () =
if not (Py.is_initialized ())
then Py.initialize ();
let () = coq_init () in
let mod_ = Py_module.create "coq" in
Py_module.set mod_ "add" coq_add;
Py_module.set mod_ "exec" coq_exec;
Py_module.set mod_ "query" coq_query;
Py_module.set mod_ "print" coq_print;
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions serpyc/dune
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name coqpyc)
(modes (native shared_object))
(flags :standard -linkall)
(libraries pythonlib coq-serapi.serapi_v8_13 coq-serapi.sertop_v8_12))
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from distutils.core import setup

NAME = "serpyc"

author="Jonathan Laurent",
author_email="[email protected]",
description="A small example package",
package_data={NAME: ['']})
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import serpyc, coq

opts = {"newtip": 2, "ontop": 1, "lim": 10 }
res = coq.add("Definition a := 3.", opts)

opts = {"newtip": 3, "ontop": 2, "lim": 10 }
res = coq.add("Definition b := 2.", opts)

res = coq.exec(3)

ppopts = { "pp_format": ("PpSer",None), "pp_depth": 1000, "pp_elide": "...", "pp_margin": 90}
opts = {"limit": 100, "preds": [], "sid": 3, "pp": ppopts, "route": 0}
cmd = ('Ast',None)
res = coq.query(opts, cmd)

obj = res[0][1][0][0]
opts = { "pp": { "pp_format": ("PpStr",None) } }
res = coq.print(obj, opts)

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