This is a lightweight Web Socket server written in Erlang implementing the protocol described here:
Copyright 2011 Tobias Rodaebel
This software is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Thanks to Jesse Farmer for a great article about building generalized TCP servers which heavily influenced this software.
The Web Socket server requires Erlang/OTP R14A or higher.
In order to build and run the server, enter the following commands:
$ make $ bin/ewsd
This library introduces a websocket_handler behavior which aims at providing some convenience for developing new Web Socket handlers.
A typical Web Socket handler consists of the following methods:
init, handle_message, handle_push, handle_close
Included in this distribution you find a brief example on how to implement a simple echo handler.
The Web Socket handler module must be configered in the file by adding this tuple {handler, ModuleName} to the environment:
{env, [{port, 8888}, {handler, websocket_echo}, {timeout, 5000}]}
Alternatively, a configuration file can be specified. The examples directory contains a broadcast handler. In order to run the Web Socket server with the related configuration file, enter the following command:
$ bin/ewsd --config=examples/broadcast.config
Now open the examples/broadcast.html file with a Web Socket capable browser.