The objective of this course is to present some problem solving and programming method. Principal aspects of the first-order logic.
- predicate logic
- logical representation
- automatic proving
- heuristics
- recherche research in a states space
- games theory
The aim of this course is to give fundamental notions on the algorithm's complexity theory and to teach numerous techniques based on graph theory in order to resolve combinatorial problems.
- polynomial algorithms
- travelling salesman problem
- satisfiability problem
- NP-hard problem
This course introduces some basic concepts to control, observe and analyse dynamical systems such as automotives, transportation networks and production systems.
- control systems
- real-time control
- state observation
- virtual
- sensors
The goal of this course is to familiarize the students with the concepts and the mode of reasoning of the inferential statistics. Three important applications are studied : point estimation, construction of the confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
- estimation
- confidence intervals
- linear regression
- hypothesis testing
- analysis of variance
Introduction of the basic data structures and of the basic algorithms that manage them. Here we emphasize how various data structures can be used in order to achieve good implementations.
- trees
- time and space complexity
- simply and doubly chained list with sentinel
Introduction to stochastic phenomena, random variables on the real line, probability distributions.
- random variables
- probability distributions
- stochastic convergence
- independent random variables
- conditionning
The objective of this course is to formally study numeracy, machine or complexity. These concepts are derived from formal sciences such as set theory, geometry, logic or arithmetic.
- problem
- sets
- incompleteness
- relationship
- decidability
- logic
- Turing machine
- proposal
- computability
- language
Continuity and differentiation of functions of several real variables. Curves and surfaces in R^3. Multiple integrals ; curvilinear, surfacic. Integral theorems.
- differential
- chain rule
- grad
- curl
- div
- local studies of curves and surfaces
- double integrals
- curvilinear
- surfacic
- Stockes theorems
Bases of linear algebra and applications. The student is expected to acquire a solid knowledge of the basic concepts of linear algebra and to be able to apply them to physical problems when needed.
- linear spaces
- linear mappings
- eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- scalar products
- systems of linear differential equations
This course gives the basis about electricity. 3 domains are studied:
- continuous electicity (with Kirchhoff, Thevenin, Norton, superposition approaches)
- electicity in transition domain
- electricity with sinusoidal sollicitation
- RLC circuit
- RL circuit
- RC circuit
- electrical circuits
- steady state
- variable state
- sinusoidal state established
This course gives the basis about geometrical optics : dioptres, mirors, thick, thin lenses. Fresnel and Fraunhaufer approximations are used to describe the diffraction phenomenum.
- diffraction
- optical apparatus
- interferences
- lethin and thick lenses
This course aims at the comprehension of the laws of thermodynamics and its physical and chemical applications. State of a system, variables of state, function of state, ideal gases, real gas, concepts of pressure and temperature, phase change.
- temperature
- pressure
- perfect gas
- real gas
- equation of state
- first and second Laws
- entropy
- heat engines
- equilibrium
- phase transitions
This course introduces physics concepts for the study of movement. One objective is to formalize a mechanical problem and mobilize mathematical knowledge necessary for its resolution.
- kinematic
- forces
- dynamic
- energy
- central forces
- swings
It will make the student familiar with the basic tools of calculus necessary for modelling problems of engineering by functions of one real variable. The second part of the course is devoted to the basic mathematical tools needed for modelling and solving problems in engineering sciences.
- mathematical Reasoning
- applications
- sets
- numerical Sequences
- continuity and limit
- derivability
- taylor series
- rational fractions
- integral calculus
- complex numbers
- polynomials
- differential equations
Study and implementation of the different concepts and tools linked to object-oriented programming and design.
- C++
- design patterns
- inheritance
- classes
- encapsulation
- templates
- Qt
The purpose of this course is to acquire the concepts, theoretical and practical tools necessary for basic measurements principles. We studied sensors like ultrasonic, cameras, rangefinders, accelerometers. A part of this course is dedicated to information processing and integration in intelligent systems (vision, robots, vehicles).
- robotic perception
- measurements uncertainties
- sensors technologies
- information processing
- metrology
- signal processing chain
Information System entirely redesigned with a benchmark of the solutions
Installation on a private server with Debian 7
LDAP Directory linked to a mail server with anti-virus and anti-spam filter
Creation of a web service to handle the directory and a JSON API to communicate
Document management system with the open source solution Nuxeo Plateform
Versionning server based on Git with the open source solution Gitlab
specific issues
economical issues
technological issues
prospectif issues
The C programming language, operating systems usage (shell commands, files systems, basic network usage, graphical interfaces), system programming (process management, interruptions), learning Python language (objects, modules, GUI)
- C language
- operating systems
- system programming
- system services from C
- python language
Quality Management, Design and Quality, Quality Function Deploiment, Functional Analysis, Product Life Cycle Management, Work Breakdown Structure, Standardisation, ISO 9000, Conformity assessment, Engineering economyns, ...)
- quality management
- design and quality
- quality function deploiment
- functional analysis
- product life cycle management
- work breakdown structure
- standardisation
- ISO 9000
- conformity assessment
- engineering economy
This course objective is to teach students how to design relational and object-relational databases. In order to achieve this objective, the students will develop methodological skills for conceptual and logical modelling, as well as technological skills toward typical DBMS and toward usually used languages.
- database
- conceptual model
- relational
- object
- transaction
- web
- dbms
The purpose of this course is to acquire the concepts and methods of structured programming. Students will learn a programming language largely used: the C language. Thay will also use a compiler and its environment
- programming language
- algorithm
- language C
This project
- Adobe Illustrator
- CakePHP Framework
- jQuery
- CSS3
In this course are discussed concepts and basic tools for manipulating information and understand the potential of their automatic processing. The lessons include the acquisition, modeling, structuring, processing, transport and digital publication data. It also covers the concept of storing data in a personal database.
- networks
- protocols and security
- databases concepts
Geometrical reminders and orthogonal projection; modelling of the 3D solids;cuttings and sections; threadings; dimensional quotation; laiaisons;minimal kinematic diagram; adjustments; functional quotation; transmission of movement; choice and name of metals and alloys.
- kinematic diagram
- drawing
- projection
- movement transmission
This unit will allow the future engineer to carry out a project clearly defined at the beginning of the semester. It is maily done through workshops.
- project
- workshops
- mechanic
- woodworking
Preparatory study for the subject " Challenge" carried out the next six-month period. This preparation comprises the comparative elements on the scientific and technical aspects of the subject making it possible to make the choice of the solution.
This class enables the students to learn the basic knowledge necessary to conduct proper experimental measurements. At the end of this class, the students should be able to choose the suitable method of measurement, to quantify the measurement uncertainty from the knowledge of the various error sources, and to exploit the data resulting from a measurement campaign
- uncertainty determination
- physical quantities and units
- measurement principle
- error sources
This is the first contact with computer programming. Students learn to create algorithms and then to transform them to programs.
- computer science
- programs
- algorithms
This course introduces the basic notions and methodology in marketing related to the economic and business challenges of the firm.
- launching newproducts
- method/organisation
- merchandising
- market research
- communication
- strategy
- web/internet
- planning
- spirit
The purpose of this course is to develop students' ability to communicate in English on scientific or technical themes, in order to facilitate their adaptation to a work placement or job in industry or research. To continue to develop the four skills of language learning (oral production and comprehension, written production and comprehension), while working on themes linked to the world of science and learning scientific and technical vocabulary.Keywords:
- English C1 Level
- reports
- innovation
- presentations
- writing
- vulagarisation
- ethics
- debates
This course objective is to discover and understand graphic design. Introduction to visual and graphic practices: how information is processed by graphic means. It explores and produces two-dimensional shapes (icons and script-verbal) created and combined.
- Adobe Illustrator
- design
- communication
- graphics
- image
- plastic initiation
From legal aspect to essential tools, this course proposes to address all the knowledge necessary to the achievement of the association projects.
- association
- planification
- 1901 law
- project
- responsability
- management
- capitalization
Understand economic and social comtempory problems, as well as public policies with the help of the theory of economics
- liberalism
- keynesianism
- economic policy
- sustainable development
- growth
- unemployment
- european union
- new economics of knwoledge economy
- finance and debt competitiveness
Acquisition of a practival level of spanish in 4 areas of competency that are oral comprehension ; written expression ; by listening to audio recordings and specific assignments ; by reading various authentic documents ; and revision as well as a more in depth study of certain aspects of spanish grammar.Keywords:
- Spanish B2 Level
- spanish
- pratical level
- intermediate level
The aim of the LA 13 course is to develop the student's expression and communication skills in English. He will improve his comprehension of oral English by working on varied audio and video material and improve his writing skills by analysing and producing the types of document required of an engineer. He will develop his ability to put forward arguments and be convincing in interviews, presentations and debates.
- English B2 Level
- communicate
- oral comprehension
- general and professional English
- grammar revision
- pronunciation
- writing skills
E-mail, slide shows, collaborative writing, etc. : we use digital writing every day. How do the new writing tools change our ordinary practices? We will study (theoretical approach) the specificities of digital writing in order to be able to examine our ordinary writing practices critically.
This course module is intended for those who have an elementary level in Spanish and wish to reach the intermediary level. Students will become more autonomous in everyday situations in a Spanish-speaking environment, while deepening their knowledge of spanish culture.
- Spanish B1 Level