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Enhancing Generalization in HEP using white-box adversarial attacks


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Enhancing generalization in high energy physics using white-box adversarial attacks

python pytorch lightning hydra wandb

This repository contains the code necessary to reproduce the results described in the associated paper:


  1. Setup the environment.
    • This project was tested with python 3.11.5
    • You can use the requirement.txt file to setup the appropriate python packages.
    • Alternatively, the docker build file can be used to create an image which can run the package.
  2. Download the RS3L dataset.
    • The datafiles are too large and thus are not stored in this repository.
    • You can find them on Zenodo:
      • doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10633814


  • This package uses Snakemake, Hydra and OmegaConf.

  • The different Snakemake modules are found in the snakemake/workflow folder. They are all invoked by the main file all.smk where individual results can be selected.

  • General training configuration is given by the parent config files configs/train.yaml, which composes all others, and specific training configuration are founds in the configs/experiment/ folders.

  • In this file you can specify the network_name, seed, etc.

  • More specific settings are found in one of the other config folders:

    • callbacks:
      • Provides a collection of lightning.pytorch.callbacks to run during training.
    • datamodule:
      • Defines the data files used for training and testing.
      • Also which coordinates are used for the object kinematics.
    • hydra:
      • Configures the hydra package for running, does not need to be changed.
    • loggers:
      • By default we use Weights and Biases for logging.
        • You will need to make a free account here: and put your username in the entity entry of this yaml file.
    • model:
      • Configures the model architecture and hyperparameters for training.
      • By default the transformer + normalising flow is used.
    • paths:
      • Define the paths to the data download here as well as the desired save directory for the models.
    • trainer:
      • Configuration for the PyTorch Lightning Trainer class.


  • The main workflow can be launched using the invoke experiment-run name --workflow all, where name is used to separate different runs and can be chosen arbitrarily. Execution order of scripts can be retraced by following inputs and outputs section of the individual snakemake files.

  • The most important scripts are given below:

  1. scripts/

    • Compiles the run config as described above and trains the model.
    • Will save checkpoints based on the paths.output_dir key.
  2. scripts/

    • Creates an output .h5 file containing results for each event in the models test set.
  3. franckstools/

    • Contains a wrapper including all the logic to train a pytorch lightning model using the different sharpness aware methods. (Weight-space)
  4. franckstools/

    • Contains a wrapper including all the logic to train a pytorch lightning model using the different adversarial methods. (Feature-space)
  5. scripts/

    • Calculates the largest eigenvalue of the hessian for the models.


Enhancing Generalization in HEP using white-box adversarial attacks







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