Ansible playbooks for Tsung deployment, install tsung from git official repo, compile on each host. Configure a sample scenarion with client cpu autoconfigure from instance type. Works on EC2 with Ubuntu image actually.
Create a user named tsung with a log directory ~/tsung/logs/ served on http by Yaws on port 8080 on controller.
launch your instances on EC2 or OpenStack
tag one of them as controller with tsung_role=controller
configure you cluster is as simple as run :
$ python REGION
- create the ssh key
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f playbooks/roles/tsung/templates/id_dsa
run ansible to set up the whole cluster
ssh to the controller and enjoy
munin.yml : deploy munin-node on all nodes, and munin on controller
tsung.yml : deploy tsung on all nodes
Python libraries listed in requirements.txt