Template to Show Apache Statistics Using mod_status
- Applications 3
- Items 28
- Triggers 5
- Graphs 6 (screenshots bellow)
- Screens 1
Instructions based on Ubuntu/Debian
Enable the Status module
a2enmod status
To allow the Zabbix server to get the data, change the file /etc/apache2/mods-available/status.conf
And add the line Require ip <zabbix.server.ip.address>
<IfModule mod_status.c>
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Require local
Require ip ::1
ExtendedStatus On
Restart the Apache Web Server or reload the configuration
apache2ctl graceful
Copy the script zbxApacheStatusCheck
to your Zabbix server or some other machine and change the permission to enable execution chmod +x zbxApacheStatusCheck
You have to set a cron job to periodically collect statistics and send it to your Zabbix server
# it will run every minute
# The parameter --zabbixsource define the name of the host on your Zabbix
* * * * * /etc/zabbix/scripts/zbxApacheStatusCheck --host= --zabbixsource="My Web Server 1" --zabbixserver=
# Password with special character has to be escaped
# Password = %P@$$0rd?
* * * * * * /etc/zabbix/scripts/zbxApacheStatusCheck --host= --zabbixsource="My Web Server 2" --zabbixserver= --user=test123 --passwd='%P@\$\$0rd?'
In case of problems, try running ./zbxApacheStatusCheck -d
or ./zbxApacheStatusCheck --help
Options available as parameters
--version show version and exit
-h, --help show this help page and exit
-l URL, --url=URL Define a custom URL to use
When you use URL, the options
--host, --port, --proto, --user and --passwd are not used
[default: None]
-o HOST, --host=HOST Apache host to collect info.
[default: localhost]
-p PORT, --port=PORT Apache port to collect info
[default: 80]
-r PROTO, --proto=PROTO
Protocol to use. [http or https]
[default: http]
--TIMEOUT=seconds Connection timeout
[default: 30]
Hostname or IP address of Zabbix server
[default: localhost]
-u USER, --user=USER HTTP authentication user
[default: None]
-a PASSWD, --passwd=PASSWD
HTTP authentication password
[default: None]
Path of zabbix_sender binary
[default: /usr/bin/zabbix_sender]
Specify port number of Zabbix server
trapper running on the server
[default: 10051]
Specify host name the item belongs to
(as registered in Zabbix frontend)
[default: localhost]
Specify the file with the list of statistics to collect
[default: run ./zbx --dumpconfig]
--dumpconfig Show the atual config
-d, --debug Run using Debug mode
-t, --test Do not send data, simply test, use with --debug
Zabbix Apache Workers Overview Graph
Zabbix Apache Workers Busy Graph