is a python package for generating quasi-isodynamic stellarator configurations using an expansion about magnetic axis. pyQIC is written in pure python. This makes pyQIC user-friendly, with no need for compilation. though it is slower.
This code implements the equations derived by Garren and Boozer (1991) for MHD equilibrium near the magnetic axis.
has minimal dependencies - it requires only python3, numpy, scipy, matplotlib. If you don't already have numpy, scipy and matplotlib, they will be installed automatically by the pip install step in the Run the Code section.
If you need more help regarding near-axis stellarators, you can check the documentation for the quasi-symmetric version of pyQIC: click here
To install the code you will need to follow the steps bellow:
First of all you need to copy the folders and the files with the "git clone" command followed by the github repository's link. Example:
git clone
Then, install the package to your local python environment with:
cd pyQIC
pip install -e .
Then you also need to install the librarys below:
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib
To run this code you will need to use your Python and insert the following command:
from qic import Qic
stel = Qic.from_paper('r2 section 5.2')