Spring Cloud Stream is the solution provided by Spring to build applications connected to shared messaging systems.
It offers an abstraction (the binding) that works the same whatever underneath implementation we use (the binder):
- Apache Kafka
- Rabbit MQ
- Kafka Streams
- Amazon Kinesis
- ...
Let's try to set up a simple example step by step and see how it works!
This demo has been created using this spring initializr configuration adding Kafka binder dependency spring-cloud-starter-stream-kafka.
Step by step:
- Producer with functional programming model
- Consumer with functional programming model
- Extras
- Test this demo
- Run this demo
- See also:
You can browse older versions of this repo:
- Spring Boot 2.x with legacy annotations (deprecated since spring-cloud-stream:3.1)
- Spring Boot 2.x with functional programming model
Our final goal is to produce messages to a Kafka topic.
From the point of view of the application we want an interface MyEventProducer
to produce events to a generic messaging system. These events will be of type MyEvent
, just containing a text
field to make it simpler:
data class MyEvent(val text: String)
interface MyEventProducer {
fun produce(event: MyEvent)
Then we follow these steps:
brokers: "localhost:9094"
destination: "my.topic"
definition: "my-producer"
- Everything under
is related to the Kafka binder implementation and we can use all these extra Kafka binder properties. - Everything under
is related to the Spring Cloud Stream binding abstraction and we can use all these extra binding properties. - As stated in functional binding names:
is the function name,out
is for output bindings and0
is the index we have to use if we have a single function.
2) We create an implementation of MyEventProducer
as a Kotlin lambda () -> Flux<MyEventPayload>
, to fulfill the interfaces that both our application and Spring Cloud Stream are expecting:
class MyStreamEventProducer : () -> Flux<MyEventPayload>, MyEventProducer {
private val sink = Sinks.many().unicast().onBackpressureBuffer<MyEventPayload>()
override fun produce(event: MyEvent) {
sink.emitNext(toPayload(event), FAIL_FAST)
override fun invoke() = sink.asFlux()
private fun toPayload(event: MyEvent) = MyEventPayload(event.text, event.text.length)
data class MyEventPayload(
val string: String,
val number: Int
- We use a DTO
to specify how do we want the payload to be serialized to JSON. In this case we don't need to but we could use Jackson annotations if we wanted to customize the JSON serialization. - We do a simple transformation between
just as an example. - Every time we emit a
through theFlux
, Spring Cloud Stream will publish it to Kafka.
class MyConfiguration {
fun myStreamEventProducer() = MyStreamEventProducer()
fun myStreamEventProducerFunction(producer: MyStreamEventProducer): () -> Flux<MyEventPayload> = producer
- Both beans return the same instance ... why?
- We need an instance with type
that will be injected wherever aMyEventProducer
is needed. - We need an instance with type
() -> Flux<MyEventPayload>
that will be bound tomy-producer
function.- As we are using Kotlin we need to define it as a lambda (required by KotlinLambdaToFunctionAutoConfiguration).
- If we were using Java we should define it as
- We need an instance with type
4) For testing we start a Kafka container using Testcontainers:
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = NONE)
class MyApplicationIntegrationTest {
@Autowired // We inject MyEventProducer (it should be a MyStreamEventProducer)
@Qualifier("myStreamEventProducer") // Avoid SpringBootTest issue: expected single matching bean but found 2
lateinit var eventProducer: MyEventProducer
fun `should produce event`() {
// We produce an event using MyEventProducer
val text = "hello ${UUID.randomUUID()}"
// We consume from Kafka using a helper
val records = consumerHelper.consumeAtLeast(1, FIVE_SECONDS)
// We verify the received json
assertThat(records).singleElement().satisfies { record ->
- Check the complete test in MyApplicationIntegrationTest.kt.
Our final goal is to consume messages from a Kafka topic.
From the point of view of the application we want an interface MyEventConsumer
to be called every time an event is consumed from a generic messaging system. These events will be of type MyEvent
like in the producer example:
data class MyEvent(val text: String)
interface MyEventConsumer {
fun consume(event: MyEvent)
Then we follow these steps:
brokers: "localhost:9094"
destination: "my.topic"
group: "${spring.application.name}"
definition: "my-consumer"
- Remember that everything under
is related to the Kafka binder implementation and we can use all these extra Kafka binder properties and everything underspring.cloud.stream.bindings
is related to the Spring Cloud Stream binding abstraction and we can use all these extra binding properties. - We configure a
because we want the application to consume from Kafka identifying itself as a consumer group so if there were to be more than one instance of the application every message will be delivered to only one of the instances. - As stated in functional binding names:
is the function name,in
is for input bindings and0
is the index we have to use if we have a single function.
class MyStreamEventConsumer(private val consumer: MyEventConsumer) : (MyEventPayload) -> Unit {
override fun invoke(payload: MyEventPayload) {
private fun fromPayload(payload: MyEventPayload) = MyEvent(payload.string)
- Every time a new message is received in the Kafka topic, its payload will be deserialized to a
and theinvoke
method will we called. - Then the only thing we have to do is to transform the
to aMyEvent
and callback the genericMyEventConsumer
class MyConfiguration {
fun myEventConsumer() = object : MyEventConsumer {
override fun consume(event: MyEvent) {
println("Received ${event.text}")
fun myStreamEventConsumerFunction(consumer: MyEventConsumer): (MyEventPayload) -> Unit =
- We need an instance with type
(MyEventPayload) -> Unit
that will be bound tomy-consumer
function.- As we are using Kotlin we need to define it as a lambda (required by KotlinLambdaToFunctionAutoConfiguration).
- If we were using Java we should define it as
- We create a simple implementation of
that just prints the event.
4) For testing we start a Kafka container using Testcontainers:
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = NONE)
class MyApplicationIntegrationTest {
@MockBean // We mock MyEventConsumer
lateinit var eventConsumer: MyEventConsumer
fun `should consume event`() {
val eventCaptor = argumentCaptor<MyEvent>()
// We send a Kafka message using a helper
val text = "hello ${UUID.randomUUID()}"
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC, "{\"number\":${text.length},\"string\":\"$text\"}")
// We wait at most 5 seconds to receive the expected MyEvent in MyEventConsumer mock
await().atMost(TEN_SECONDS).untilAsserted {
assertThat(eventCaptor.allValues.filter { it.text == text }).isEqualTo(ONE)
- Check the complete test in MyApplicationIntegrationTest.kt.
Kafka topics are partitioned to allow horizontal scalability.
When a message is sent to a topic, Kafka chooses randomly the destination partition. If we specify a key for the message, Kafka will use this key to choose the destination partition, then all messages sharing the same key will always be sent to the same partition.
This is important on the consumer side, because chronological order of messages is only guaranteed within the same partition, so if we need to consume some messages in the order they were produced, we should use the same key for all of them (i.e. for messages of a user, we use the user id as the message key).
To specify the message key in MyStreamEventProducer
we can produce Message<MyEventPayload>
instead of MyEventPayload
and inform the KafkaHeaders.KEY
class MyStreamEventProducer : () -> Flux<Message<MyEventPayload>>, MyEventProducer {
// ...
override fun produce(event: MyEvent) {
val message = MessageBuilder
.withPayload(MyEventPayload(event.text, event.text.length))
.setHeader(KafkaHeaders.KEY, "key-${event.text.length}")
sink.emitNext(message, FAIL_FAST)
// ...
As we are setting a key of type String
we should use a StringSerializer
as key.serializer
brokers: "localhost:9094"
key.serializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
And we can test it like this:
fun `should produce event`() {
val text = "hello ${UUID.randomUUID()}"
val records = kafkaConsumerHelper.consumeAtLeast(1, TEN_SECONDS)
assertThat(records).singleElement().satisfies { record ->
// check the message payload
// check the message key
- Alternatively we can use
and other related binding producer properties to achieve the same but at the binding abstraction level of Spring Cloud Stream.
If errors are thrown while consuming messages, we can tell Spring Cloud Stream what to do using the following binding consumer properties:
- maxAttempts: number of retries
- backOffInitialInterval, backOffMaxInterval, backOffMultiplier: backoff parameters to increase delay between retries
- defaultRetryable, retryableExceptions: which exceptions retry or not
For example we can use this configuration:
destination: "my.topic"
group: "${spring.application.name}"
max-attempts: 5
back-off-initial-interval: 100
default-retryable: false
com.rogervinas.stream.domain.MyRetryableException: true
And we can test it like this:
fun `should retry consume event 5 times`() {
// we throw a MyRetryableException every time we receive a message
val eventCaptor = argumentCaptor<MyEvent>()
doThrow(MyRetryableException("retry later!")).`when`(eventConsumer).consume(eventCaptor.capture())
// we send a Kafka message using a helper
val text = "hello ${UUID.randomUUID()}"
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC, "{\"number\":${text.length},\"string\":\"$text\"}")
// consumer has been called five times with the same message
await().atMost(TEN_SECONDS).untilAsserted {
assertThat(eventCaptor.allValues.filter { it.text == text }).isEqualTo(FIVE)
Additional to retries, DLQ is another mechanism we can use to deal with consumer errors.
In the case of Kafka it consists of sending to another topic all the messages that the consumer has rejected.
We can configure the DLQ using these Kafka binder consumer properties:
- enableDlq: enable DLQ
- dlqName:
- not set: defaults to
- set: use a specific DLQ topic
- not set: defaults to
- dlqPartitions:
- not set: DLQ topic should have the same number of partitions as the original one
- set to 0: DLQ topic should have only 1 partition
- set to N>0: we should provide a
For example we can use this configuration:
brokers: "localhost:9094"
enable-dlq: true
dlq-name: "my.topic.errors"
dlq-partitions: 1
destination: "my.topic"
group: "${spring.application.name}"
And we can test it like this:
fun `should send to DLQ rejected messages`() {
// we throw a MyRetryableException every time we receive a message
doThrow(MyRetryableException("retry later!")).`when`(eventConsumer).consume(any())
// we send a Kafka message using a helper
val text = "hello ${UUID.randomUUID()}"
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC, "{\"number\":${text.length},\"string\":\"$text\"}")
// we check the message has been sent to the DLQ
val errorRecords = kafkaDLQConsumerHelper.consumeAtLeast(1, TEN_SECONDS)
assertThat(errorRecords).singleElement().satisfies { record ->
@ValueSource(strings = [
"plain text",
"{\"unknownField\":\"not expected\"}"
fun `send to DLQ undeserializable messages`(body: String) {
// we send a Kafka message with an invalid body using a helper
kafkaProducerHelper.send(TOPIC, body)
// we check the message has been sent to the DLQ
val errorRecords = kafkaDLQConsumerHelper.consumeAtLeast(1, TEN_SECONDS)
assertThat(errorRecords).singleElement().satisfies { record ->
That's it! Happy coding! π
./gradlew test
Run with docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d
./gradlew bootRun
docker-compose down
Then you can use kcat to produce/consume to/from Kafka:
# consume
kcat -b localhost:9094 -C -t my.topic
kcat -b localhost:9094 -C -t my.topic.errors
# produce a valid message
echo '{"string":"hello!", "number":37}' | kcat -b localhost:9094 -P -t my.topic
# produce an invalid message
echo 'hello!' | kcat -b localhost:9094 -P -t my.topic