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A tasteful, printable resume written with Astro and PandaCSS


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Webpage to PDF Resume

A straightforward resume or CV template for the web, print, or PDF. Built with Astro and PandaCSS.

View demo


  • Separation of data (name, experience, education, etc) from page templates, allowing you to create different look and feels without copying and pasting your information.
  • Supports cover letters to match the resume's aesthetic, using Astro Collections and markdown.
  • Built to ship--when deployed, only the homepage resume is built for production and keeping other templates and cover letters in dev-only.
  • Job application-ready PDFs from your resume and cover letters.

Who's this for?

As a web developer, I got frustrated with Google Doc templates or resume builder sites that either cost a lot of money or have problems with their designs. When putting together my one-page resume, I knew how I wanted things to look, and I just wanted to use markup and CSS to make it!

So I built this template to make it easy to bootstrap a readable and tasteful resume. It's structured to look great on the web, and produce a balanced, well-formatted one-pager when saved as a PDF or printed. The personal information is abstracted into JSON to make it easy to create new templates.

How to use it


Fork and clone the repo. Note that bun is required.

# Install dependencies
bun install
# Start development server
bun dev

Project Structure

The src/ folder has the following files and folders:


This mostly follows Astro's project structure, with a few additions

All of the personal information that populates the template is located in src/data.json. Update this file with all of your information. This information will be referenced throughout the application.

Inside the pages/ directory, we have two entities: index.astro and __letters. All routes with the double-underscore prefix will not be in the final production bundle. This way, you can create good-looking cover letters that match your resume look and feel without shipping them to production. The index.astro should be your resume that lives on the homepage of the site. It will be the only page shipped to production.

The templates/ directory will contain the different look and feels you wish to create for your resume and letters. You're welcome to use the provided template or create additional ones. While this isn't necessary for most, it can be nice to have the flexibility to try different resume layouts and aesthetics without having to create a new project.

Customize Look & Feel

The template uses PandaCSS and its default theme. It gives you all of the base tokens to quickly build out new designs or modify this one. To change the accent color or some of the default styling, update the panda.config.ts file.

The provided font is Rubik. To change the font, find a font to your liking on Fontsource and install it following their instructions.

The provided favicon was generated from Use your own favicon, or generate one there, and delete the provided favicon files in /public.

Cover Letters

You can write your cover letters in markdown in the src/content/letters/ directory. Pages for your cover letters are generated in dev, but won't be shipped to production. You can see all of the links to the webpages generated by navigating tot he /letters/list route (e.g., http://localhost:4321/letters/list). Each cover letter page will have a "View as PDF" button--you can use this to generate the PDF, download it, and upload it for your job application.

The provided template also includes a cover letter template that matches the resume.


The structure and content of this resume template is intended to fit onto a single page, suitable for a one-page resume. Depending on your personal information, the length may break onto a second page. I'd recommend futzing with the base font-size in the src/index.css file or adjust vertical spacing in the template to make it fit one page. You can also adjust the page margins for printing in the src/index.css file.

To automate the creation of PDFs, this project uses puppeteer. Compared to using the browser to create PDFs (through the process of Print -> Save as PDF), puppeteer will produce a PDF with machine-readable text and give you the PDF file itself.

The project includes a pre-push git hook that ensures that the git committed PDF of your resume is up-to-date with the source code. When the project is deployed to production, the PDF file will be present in the project, so it doesn't need to be recreated on the fly (so it also loads faster).

Blocking search engines

Disable search engine indexing by adding the following code to the in src/layouts/Layout.astro:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />


NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0 Generic (CC NC-SA 1.0)

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.


Hat-tip to WebPraktikos/universal-resume for showing what's possible with structuring and adapating a resume webpage for print. This is still a great and relevant project. I wanted to make a slightly different project in order to use web technologies I preferred and to abstract the data so that I could make different templates should I desire it.