A stock analyzer based on up-to-date news articles and quantitative measures.
This project was created using Flask, React, Metaphor, OpenAI, and yFinance.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Python (version 3.11)
- Node.js (version 18.17)
- npm (version 9.6.7)
- pip (version 23.2.1)
- Your API keys for OpenAI and Metaphor, which should be placed in a
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and run your project.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/rohancherukuri14/stock-info.git
Navigate to the repository and install the required pip packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a config.json file with your Metaphor and OpenAI API keys:
{ "gpt_api_key": "your-gpt-api-key", "metaphor_api_key": "your-metaphor-api-key" }
Navigate to the backend folder and start the Flask app:
cd backend python app.py
- Open a new terminal tab with the repository and navigate to the stock-info react app:
cd stock-info
- Install frontend dependencies:
npm install
- Run the frontend app:
npm start
- Your frontend React app should now be running on http://localhost:3000.
Enter a valid stock ticker into the input box. Wait for a couple seconds and you will be able to a view an in-depth textual analysis of the stock, a table with quantitative measures, a graph with recent stock trends, and useful links for more research.