1.Start.java Main program resides here 2.fxt.txt---| | v input transaction according to format: first line contains an integer no of transactions(n) for the next n lines we have transactions of either of two types: first type "1 amount sender".Here the assumption is receiver is Dexter(owner) second type "2 amount sender receiver" 3.fotxt.txt This is the Output file. 4.transactionGen.py This file can be used to generate random number of transactions,the transactions generated here are put into ftxt.txt
->GenerateRandom input or give inputs: To execute transactionGen.py python transactionGen.py ->Main program is here To execute Start.java file Javac Start.java java Start
If some transactions are initially present and program is run you get last block hash printed in output file(fotxt.txt) and again when you change some transaction and run the program you can observe that the hash value will be changed