A very simple CSS framework to simplify the lives of web designers.
Less typing, more drinking juice.
- (Optionally) requires the Linux Biolinum font (not included yet - I have to review the licensing thingy and see if that is possible). You can use it without this font though. Just ignore or remove the .LBCap classes.
- A sense of humour.
- 3 Kittens. If you have any more or any less, you will die (not really).
- Web designers who are tired of writing simple fixes to simple problems.
- Web designers who want to get the job done faster.
- Web designers who know that passionfruit juice is the best juice. The best. Believe me.
- Simple styles for margin, padding, and text styles.
- Simple CSS animations.
- Miscellaneous stuff.
- Simple, reusable components (passionfruit-bootstrap.css (to be renamed to passionfruit-juice.css)).
- Lot's of passionfruit juice.
- I use my local Bajan dialect of English for naming most classes.
- This makes them easy to remember.
- Also makes them fun to use.
- passionfruit is designed to be non-intrusive; nothing is set by default.
- lightweight and simple, nothing too heavy or overwhelming.
- It is tested alongside Bootstrap, but should work with anything, because it is so simple.
- Will work well along with "Anole" (More on that later).
- With the exception of text and border classes, does not in any way affect the color of any element.