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Simple orchestration & configuration management


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Simple orchestration & configuration management.

Script common tasks in your favourite programming language.

Send them off to remote hosts for execution.

Hello world

Let's create with a chmod +x, and put this inside:

set -eu
echo "Hello from ${HOSTNAME}!"

Assuming judo is present in your $PATH, we can tell some remote machine, called george, to execute

judo -s george

You will see the following output in your terminal:

Running: [george]
george: Hello from george!
Success: [george]

If the task at hand doesn't facilitate writing a complete script, an effect can be achieved by using the -c (for command) flag instead:

judo -c "echo Hello again." george

Running: [george]
george: Hello again.
Success: [george]


A typical setup will have a control machine and some remote machines.

The control machine can be anything moderately UNIX-ish, capable of running Go executables and making outbound SSH connections: a dedicated machine, a VM in the cloud, a continuous integration system, your own laptop, etc.

The remote machines will usually run some flavor of UNIX, but anything that can be connected to over SSH can be made to obey to some extent (via -c).

How much can be done, depends entirely on what's supported on the remote host. There are no agents or clients or daemons; the remote machine just receives your orders and executes them.


The list of hard dependencies is intentionally kept minimal.


  • A Go compiler

Control machine

  • ssh(1)
  • scp(1)
  • A UNIX-flavored file system, that understands things like chmod +x

Remote machines

* consult your own operating system's manual pages!


On control machine

The real thing:

  1. Get Go
  2. go install

For development:

  1. Get Go anyway
  2. Clone the source
  3. go build

On remote machines


Reaching the remote machines

Using the SSH transport (without abusing it)

Judo will honor the standard /etc/ssh/config and ~/.ssh/config to establish & control the SSH connection. This is where you should keep all of your dirty hacks like ProxyCommand or Control*.

If you need to override your SSH client configuration for a specific run, you can use the -F option (just like you would with ssh(1)) to specify a custom file.

Groups: using with multiple remote hosts

So far, Judo might seem no more useful than this little tapeworm:

scp bar: && ssh bar "chmod +x && ./"

It can however execute commands on groups of hosts in parallel.

One way to achieve this, is to simply name several hosts on the command line (e.g. judo -s fred george). Another, more scalable and manageable solution, is to create some sort of an inventory, and refer to hosts by group names.

  1. Create a directory named groups.

  2. In there, create a file with the name of the group, e.g. weasley.

  3. Put one hostname on each line in this file, like this:


Congratulations, you now have a host inventory! Run this command to see how it works in action:

judo -s weasley

Expect something similar to this:

Running: [bill charlie fred george ginny percy ron]
bill:    Hello from bill!
charlie: Hello from charlie!
george:  Hello from george!
ginny:   Hello from ginny!
percy:   Hello from percy!
ron:     Hello from ron!
Success: [bill charlie george ginny percy ron]
Failed: fred: ssh: connect to host fred port 22: Connection timed out

Everyone but fred reported success.

Groups can be nested. It may be a good idea to create a group named all, that will include all hosts and groups you need to manage.

The group file format permits blank lines, treats lines starting with a # as comments, and ignores the remainder of a line if it finds a space.

Dynamic inventory

Sometimes you don't know the list of hosts ahead of time, or prefer to keep it in another format or source. When Judo sees the +x flag on a group file, it will execute it before starting the job; the output (one line per host, like above) will indicate group membership.

You can use this to pull the list of hosts from some API, for example when working with EC2:


Here, the files ec2-eu-west-1 and ec2-eu-central-1 talk to corresponding regions on EC2 to pull the host lists. The file ec2-all is a simple text file, with two lines, naming each of the above scripts.

Group scripts are not executed, unless the group name is included in the job. So running judo -s fred will not trigger any EC2 API calls.


Writing and using scripts with Judo is extremely straightforward. You probably already have some simple (or complex) administrative scripts, these may be able to work completely unchanged.

Any executable (chmod +x) script can be used with -s. The only requirement is that the remote host be able to locate the interpreter (the #! line), and execute it. You can even send a precompiled executable, or whatever else the target OS is capable of running.

Simple example: report load average with Python

Create a file named loadavg:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os

Judo wants the +x bit to be present before it will allow sending it off to a host:

chmod +x loadavg

We're ready to run it:

judo -s loadavg all

Observe the results:

Running: [armchair bed desk]
armchair: (0.05, 0.17, 0.17)
desk: (0.01, 0.02, 0.05)
bed: (0.322265625, 0.15869140625, 0.09912109375)
Success: [armchair bed desk]

Note there's no need for a file extension. Judo ignores it; it's the +x bit and the hashbang line that matter. Use this to give your scripts simple, readable names, and hide the implementation details.

Complex / portable example: install Ruby on the remote host

Create a file named install-ruby:

set -eu
case `uname` in
        case `lsb_release -si` in
                export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
                sudo -n apt-get install --yes ruby
                echo >&2 "Unsupported Linux distro"
                exit 1
        doas -n pkg_add -I ruby
        echo >&2 "Unsupported operating system"
        exit 1

Install Ruby on all of our servers in the eu-central-1 region:

judo -s install-ruby ec2-eu-central-1

As you can see, while the operational model is straightforward, in practice it can be a little tedious to write correct scripts that work universally across heterogeneous environments.

This issue can be avoided either by keeping your boxes homogeneous, or by using a library of OS-independent abstractions. Either way, this is not Judo's problem.

Passing arguments to scripts



Judo will also happily transfer an entire directory to the remote host. In such case, it will first look for an executable file named script inside, and run it on the remote host after the transfer of the directory contents is complete.

The script can then refer to other files inside of that directory, e.g. in order to copy configuration files to target destinations.

Privilege escalation


Judo in itself doesn't include any mechanisms to facilitate privilege escalation. Use whatever means your remote machine provides.

You are probably already using sudo without a password.

If you're uneasy about this idea, consider that an encrypted private SSH key is already a form of two-factor authentication (you have to HAVE the key and KNOW the passphrase), and that if an intruder is able to impersonate you on the target machine, you already have been owned.



Standard input (file descriptor 0) is closed before the script runs. Any attempts to read from stdin will immediately fail.

You should design your scripts, so that no input is required, other than any environment variables provided, and to fail early and loudly otherwise. Later, this will make it much easier to plug in Judo e.g. into a continuous deployment pipeline.

Various options were considered to allow programs to read input, but ultimately all of them suck. If you MUST work with a program that DEMANDS interactive input, expect(1) may be able to help you.

Programs that unexpectedly expect input, while used in an automated context, often hang waiting for it for many minutes, before ultimately timing out. It's best to close(2) the problem before it becomes a real issue.


Judo doesn't screw around with the remote script's environment. It also tries to make the entire operation reliable, repeatable, and free from unexpected side-effects; partly by not getting in your way, and partly by enforcing some design principles.

You can always expect the following:

  • For any host, running judo -c env host will describe your runtime environment fully.

  • The environment variable HOSTNAME will be present, and will be set to the target's host name, as invoked on Judo's command line.

  • Standard input will be closed, so if the remote machine tries to ask you something, it will only see an end-of-file.

  • The current working directory will be a temporary target area, with the script file under the same relative path as on the control machine.

    For example, if you invoked Judo as judo -s foo/script host, then your file might exist in ~/.judo/tmp.rsDa2Er8ZC/foo/script, where ~/.judo/tmp.rsDa2Er8ZC will be your working directory.

    This is very useful when sending directories; judo -s foo host will transfer the entire foo directory to the remote, where foo/script could e.g. source an extra script, with a snippet similar to this one

      if [ -r /etc/centos-release ]; then
          . foo/vars_CentOS

Check mode


Use a staging environment. If you can't afford a staging environment, use a local VM. If you can't afford a local VM, you seriously should reconsider, why are you in system administration.

Return value

Judo will return 0 if everything went all right, and something else if something went wrong. Depending on what exactly went wrong, you can expect these return codes:

  • 1 if some hosts failed, but some succeeded
  • 2 if all hosts failed
  • 111 if there was an issue with how Judo was invoked (e.g. wrong flags, something wrong with a script, etc)

In any case (failure or not), look carefully at the output: it's meant to be terse, but informative.

Complete example

You should keep your stuff in revision control. Git is good for this, but pick whatever you like.

Here's an example directory hierarchy; directories have a trailing "/", and executables have a "*":                 - notes explaining the setup
Makefile                  - common tasks expressed with make
bin/                      - scripts to be run locally
    wait-for-host*        - keep pinging a host until it responds
groups/                   - inventory
    all                   - simply lists "ec2", "hetzner" and "home"
    ec2*                  - talks to EC2 API
    hetzner               - lists a few remote hosts
    servers               - lists "ec2", "hetzner", your home NAS, etc
    home                  - lists your workstation, router, NAS...
scripts/                  - collection of scripts to run on remotes
    bootstrap/            - get a new machine ready for action
        script*           - main entry point of the bootstrap job
        vars_CentOS       - OS-dependent vars,
        vars_Debian       - can be included with something like:
        vars_FreeBSD      - . scripts/bootstrap/vars_$(uname)
        vars_Linux        - and from vars_Linux:
        vars_OpenBSD      - . scripts/bootstrap/vars_$(lsb_release -si)
        vars_Raspbian     - but keep it simple!* - deploy a web app*  - deploy a simple blog
    install-docker*       - install some common packages
    install-nginx*        - useful for web hosting, etc
    update-system*        - or to update all installed packages
.git/                     - git cruft

For example, to update the contents of, we could use:

judo -s scripts/

Since this is a bit long and extremely common, there's a shortcut in the Makefile:


Next time a kernel bug hits, installing the updated packages could be as simple as:

judo -s scripts/update-system servers

Followed by a reboot:

judo -c reboot servers

If we're really anxious to see a particular server coming back up, we could use one of our custom glue scripts:

bin/wait-for-host -du

Known issues

It's slow!

It's not significantly slower than running plain SSH.

Judo automatically starts a master SSH session through which all other sessions are multiplexed to avoid the overhead of establishing multiple SSH connections.

Patches/ideas to further speed up Judo are welcome.

A book?

If this readme does not describe everything that you need to know in order to make Judo do useful work to you, then I have failed. Please send suggestions on improving the readme.

A bug?

Sure! Send me bug reports, suggestions, diffs, hate mail and accolades - as appropriate. Contact info below.

Simplicity and stability

Judo is intentionally simple. It aims to have 90% of Ansible's core features, while having 1% of the code (or less). If Judo can't do something for you, you should investigate the following:

  • Rethink your problem,
  • Look into using Ansible instead.

Integrations with specific OS's on remote targets are left to separate projects - barring the minimum needed to set up the remote execution environment. However, Judo should make it simple to bootstrap some sort of "rosetta stone" on the remote end.

The dependencies, for building or for running, on control or on remote machines, shall never change.

When the 1.0 release appears, the feature set and the interface will be frozen until it's time for a 2.0. All (well written) scripts must continue working, unchanged. If 2.0 ever appears, well written scripts should require no adjustments at all.

The time for 2.0 will not be after 1.9; 1.9 will be followed by 1.10 and 1.11, all the way to 1.61, if necessary. Same for 2.x; expect 2.71 before 3.0.

Testing for the required version number is made simple via an optional argument to the -v flag. This will verify that you're using Judo version 0.6, or compatible:

judo -v 0.6 || { echo 'You need to update!'; exit 111; }

This feature was added in version 0.4, so if you're using an earlier version, please update.


© 2016-2022 Kamil Cholewiński <[email protected]>

License is MIT.


Simple orchestration & configuration management







No packages published
