A fun physics-based puzzle game where you throw balls at boxes to smash them out of the screen.
Obtain the LÖVE runtime for your platform. Then within a terminal run, within this directory:
<path to LÖVE executable> .
Dragging the folder over the LÖVE runtime works too. For more information see the LÖVE Wiki on how to run.
zipping up into a .love:
zip -r "game.love" ./* -x '*.git*' -x 'branding/*' -x '*.svg' -x '*.zip' -x '*.love' -x 'pseudokod.txt'
Sending this to an Android phone connected via ADB:
adb push game.love /sdcard/game.love && adb shell am start -S -n "org.love2d.android/.GameActivity" -d "file:///sdcard/game.love"