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Simple hardware-assisted asynchronous micro-RTOS in Rust

Magnesium is a simple single-file framework implementing CSP-like computation model for deeply embedded systems. It uses interrupt controller hardware for scheduling and supports preemptive multitasking. This is experimental version of the framework in Rust.

Unlike the original magnesium framework written in C, Rust version uses async functions and futures to make code more safe and readable. Also, it uses no external crates except core::, no need for nightly, no macros, etc. so it may be helpful for those who want to dive into details.


  • Preemptive multitasking
  • Hardware-assisted scheduling
  • Unlimited number of actors and queues
  • Zero-copy message-passing communication
  • Timer facility
  • Hard real-time capability
  • Only ARMv6-M and ARMv7-M are supported at now

API usage examples

It is all about messages. Messages are declated as usual structs embedded into the Message type:

    struct ExampleMsg {
        n: u32

    const MSG_PROTOTYPE: Message<ExampleMsg> = Message::new(ExampleMsg { n: 0 });
    static mut MSG_STORAGE: [Message<ExampleMsg>; 5] = [MSG_PROTOTYPE; 5];

Message pools are used to allocate a message. Unsafe is required only for access to 'static mut' once during initialization. Messages may be allocated either synchronously using an 'alloc' method or asynchronously using a 'get'.

    static POOL: Pool<ExampleMsg> = Pool::new();
    POOL.init(unsafe { addr_of_mut!(MSG_STORAGE) });

Queues are used for data exchange. Queue read is the asynchronous operation, while write is always synchronous.

    static QUEUE: Queue<ExampleMsg> = Queue::new();

Messages may be pushed into queues using the 'put' method to notify corresponding actors blocked on those queues.

    let mut msg = POOL.alloc().unwrap();
    /* set message payload */

Queues are awaited using shared references:

    async fn foo() {
        let msg = QUEUE.block_on().await;

Actors are mapped to hardware interrupts. Note that interrupt controller should be carefully adjusted to reflect IRQ:priority relations. Actor's function is an infinite loop just like a thread:

    async fn blinky() -> ! {
        let q = &QUEUE;
        loop {
            let msg = q.block_on().await;

Finally, there is an executor (or scheduler) representing a set of ready-to-run actors:

    static SCHED: Executor = Executor::new();

It have to be initialized once on startup and then called inside interrupt handlers designated to actors execution:

    SCHED.schedule(...<current interrupt vector number>...);

The main function must contain scheduler launch as its last statement:

    let mut future = blinky();
        (<vector number 0>, &mut future)
        (<vector number N>, &mut <future N>)

Note that this function expects disabled interrupts and panics in case when they are enabled since this may lead to undefined behavior.

The framework also provides timer facility. All software timers are handled by single global timer object representing tick source.

    static TIMER: Timer< ...number of hierarchy levels ...> = Timer::new();

Timers form a hierarchy based on their timeout value. Default value is 10. After the global context is initialized in the main using the 'init' method:


then some interrupt must provide periodic ticks using tick function:


After that any actor may use sleep_for method with some amount of ticks to sleep:

    loop {
        TIMER.sleep_for(10).await; // Sleep for 10 ticks.

Tick duration is unspecified and depends on your settings.

Safety notes

All the static-mut-objects are only accessed once during initialization, normal operational code of either actors or interrupts is safe and does not require unsafe code. Also the user is responsible for NVIC initialization and proper content of the vector table. Executor transmutes future objects and the array of active futures into static lifetime despite they're allocated on the stack, however, since 'run' function does not return and all the actors are infinite loops this is considered safe.


The demo is a toy example with just one actor which blinks the LED. Use 'make' to build.