Simulation of the Pioneer 3-AT with several cameras attached to it.
There is a dockerfile you can build to run the container.
Or you can copy the catkin_ws_src
to your ROS work-space and run it there.
Run roslaunch pioneer3at_simulation gazebo.launch world_name:=color_plane
to launch gazebo simulator + pioneer 3-AT model + custom map.
Using rostopic list
you can see the available topics that are exposed from the simulation (i.e. odom, cameras, laser, contact points)
A cmd_vel
topic is exposed so that linear and angular velocities can be sent to the simulated robot.
Pioneer 3-AT model can be modified by editing the pioneer3at.urdf.xacro
file (bottom section). There more cameras and laser sensors can be placed or the values of the current ones modified.
Boolean contact information is also provided for the wheels and main body. A developed gazebo plugin carries this out.
Coloring of the plane is done using textures (materials
in gazebo). We can modify such coloring by editing our custom color_plane
model or create new ones and place them in models