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PostgreSQL container image which can be linked to other containers.


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docker pull romeoz/docker-postgresql

Alternately you can build the image yourself.

git clone
cd docker-postgresql
docker build -t="$USER/postgresql" .

Quick Start

Run the postgresql container:

docker run --name postgresql -d -p 5432:5432 romeoz/docker-postgresql

The simplest way to login to the postgresql container as the administrative postgres user is to use the docker exec command to attach a new process to the running container and connect to the postgresql server over the unix socket.

docker exec -it postgresql sudo -u postgres psql


For data persistence a volume should be mounted at /var/lib/postgresql.

SELinux users are also required to change the security context of the mount point so that it plays nicely with selinux.

mkdir -p /to/path/data
sudo chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /to/path/data

The updated run command looks like this.

docker run --name postgresql -d \
  -v /host/to/path/data:/var/lib/postgresql romeoz/docker-postgresql

This will make sure that the data stored in the database is not lost when the container is stopped and started again.

Creating User and Database at run

The container allows you to create a user and database at run time.

To create a new user you should specify the DB_USER and DB_PASS variables. The following command will create a new user dbuser with the password dbpass.

docker run --name postgresql -d \
  -e 'DB_USER=dbuser' -e 'DB_PASS=dbpass' \


  • If the password is not specified the user will not be created
  • If the user user already exists no changes will be made

Similarly, you can also create a new database by specifying the database name in the DB_NAME variable.

docker run --name postgresql -d \
  -e 'DB_NAME=dbname' romeoz/docker-postgresql

You may also specify a comma separated list of database names in the DB_NAME variable. The following command creates two new databases named dbname1 and dbname2 (p.s. this feature is only available in releases greater than 9.1-1).

docker run --name postgresql -d \
  -e 'DB_NAME=dbname1,dbname2' \

If the DB_USER and DB_PASS variables are also specified while creating the database, then the user is granted access to the database(s).

For example,

docker run --name postgresql -d \
  -e 'DB_USER=dbuser' -e 'DB_PASS=dbpass' -e 'DB_NAME=dbname' \

will create a user dbuser with the password dbpass. It will also create a database named dbname and the dbuser user will have full access to the dbname database.

The PG_TRUST_LOCALNET environment variable can be used to configure postgres to trust connections on the same network. This is handy for other containers to connect without authentication. To enable this behavior, set PG_TRUST_LOCALNET to true.

For example,

docker run --name postgresql -d \
  -e 'PG_TRUST_LOCALNET=true' \

This has the effect of adding the following to the pg_hba.conf file:

host    all             all             samenet                 trust

Creating Database with specified locale at run

docker run --name postgresql -d \
  -e 'DB_LOCALE=ru_RU.UTF-8' -e 'DB_NAME=dbname' romeoz/docker-postgresql

or after run container

docker run --name postgresql -d \
  -e 'DB_LOCALE=ru_RU.UTF-8' romeoz/docker-postgresql

docker exec -it postgresql bash -c 'sudo -u postgres psql'


The backup is made over a regular PostgreSQL connection, and uses the replication protocol (used pg_basebackup).

First we need to raise the master:

docker network create pg_net

docker run --name='psql-master' -d \
  --net pg_net
  -e 'PG_MODE=master' \
  -e 'DB_NAME=dbname' \
  -e 'PG_TRUST_LOCALNET=true' \

Next, create a temporary container for backup:

docker run -it --rm \
  --net pg_net \
  -e 'PG_MODE=backup' \
  -e 'REPLICATION_HOST=psql-master' \
  -e 'PG_TRUST_LOCALNET=true' \
  -v /host/to/path/backup:/tmp/backup \

Archive will be available in the /host/to/path/backup.

Algorithm: one backup per week (total 4), one backup per month (total 12) and the last backup. Example: backup.last.tar.bz2, backup.1.tar.bz2 and /backup.dec.tar.bz2.

You can disable the rotation by using env PG_ROTATE_BACKUP=false.

Backuping slave requires that the slave was created with the WAL-settings.

docker run --name psql-slave -d \
  --net pg_net \
  -e 'PG_MODE=slave_wal' -e 'PG_TRUST_LOCALNET=true' -e 'REPLICATION_HOST=psql-master' \

So, you can used for restoring master

Next, create a temporary container for backup:

docker run -it --rm \
  --net pg_net \
  -e 'PG_MODE=backup' -e 'REPLICATION_HOST=psql-slave' 
  -v -v /host/to/path/backup_slave:/tmp/backup \

Checking backup

As the check-parameter is used a database name DB_NAME.

docker run -it --rm \
    -e 'PG_CHECK=default' \
    -e 'DB_NAME=foo' \
    -v /host/to/path/backup:/tmp/backup \

Default used the /tmp/backup/backup.last.bz2.

Restore from backup

###Restore from backup file

docker run --name='psql-master' -d \
  -e 'PG_MODE=master' \
  -e 'PG_RESTORE=default' \
  -v /host/to/path/backup_master:/tmp/backup \

or for slave

docker run --name='psql-slave' -d \
  -e 'PG_MODE=slave' \
  -e 'PG_RESTORE=default' \
  -v /host/to/path/backup_master:/tmp/backup \

Can be used files backup-master or backup-slave.

###Restore master from slave with WAL

docker run --name master -d \
  --net pg_net \
  -e 'PG_MODE=master_restore' \
  -e 'PG_TRUST_LOCALNET=true' -e 'REPLICATION_HOST=slave_wal' \

Dumping database

Create a database named "foo":

docker run --name db -d -e 'DB_NAME=foo' \
  -v /to/path/backup:/tmp/backup \

Dumping database to /tmp/backup/:

docker exec -it db bash -c \
  'sudo -u postgres pg_dump --dbname=foo --format=tar | lbzip2 -n 2 -9 > /tmp/backup/backup.tar.bz2'

Restore database:

docker run --name restore_db -d \
  -v /to/path/backup:/tmp/backup \
docker exec -it restore_db bash -c \
  'lbzip2 -dc -n 2 /tmp/backup/backup.tar.bz2 | $(sudo -u postgres pg_restore --create --verbose -d template1)'  

Instead of volumes you can use the command docker cp /to/path/backup/backup.tar.bz2 restore_db:/tmp/backup/backup.tar.bz2 (support Docker 1.8+).

Replication - Master/Slave

You may use the PG_MODE variable along with REPLICATION_HOST, REPLICATION_PORT, REPLICATION_USER and REPLICATION_PASS to create a snapshot of an existing database and enable stream replication.

Your master database must support replication or super-user access for the credentials you specify. The PG_MODE variable should be set to master, for replication on your master node and slave or snapshot respectively for streaming replication or a point-in-time snapshot of a running instance.

Create a master instance

docker network create pg_net

docker run --name='psql-master' -d \
  --net pg_net \
  -e 'PG_MODE=master' -e 'PG_TRUST_LOCALNET=true' \
  -e 'REPLICATION_USER=replicator' -e 'REPLICATION_PASS=replicatorpass' \
  -e 'DB_NAME=dbname' -e 'DB_USER=dbuser' -e 'DB_PASS=dbpass' \

Create a slave instance + fast import backup from master

docker run --name='psql-slave' -d  \
  --net pg_net  \
  -e 'PG_MODE=slave' -e 'PG_TRUST_LOCALNET=true' \
  -e 'REPLICATION_HOST=psql-master' -e 'REPLICATION_PORT=5432' \
  -e 'REPLICATION_USER=replicator' -e 'REPLICATION_PASS=replicatorpass' \

Enable Unaccent (Search plain text with accent)

Unaccent is a text search dictionary that removes accents (diacritic signs) from lexemes. It's a filtering dictionary, which means its output is always passed to the next dictionary (if any), unlike the normal behavior of dictionaries. This allows accent-insensitive processing for full text search.

By default unaccent is configure to false

docker run --name postgresql -d \
  -e 'DB_UNACCENT=true' \

Host UID / GID Mapping

Per default the container is configured to run postgres as user and group postgres with some unknown uid and gid. The host possibly uses these ids for different purposes leading to unfavorable effects. From the host it appears as if the mounted data volumes are owned by the host's user/group [whatever id postgres has in the image].

Also the container processes seem to be executed as the host's user/group [whatever id postgres has in the image]. The container can be configured to map the uid and gid of postgres to different ids on host by passing the environment variables USERMAP_UID and USERMAP_GID. The following command maps the ids to user and group postgres on the host.

docker run --name=postgresql -it --rm [options] \
  --env="USERMAP_UID=$(id -u postgres)" --env="USERMAP_GID=$(id -g postgres)" \

Environment variables

PG_USER: Set a specific username for the admin account (default "postgres").

PG_TZ: Set a timezone DB (default "UTC").

PG_MODE: Set a specific mode. Takes on the values master, slave or backup.

PG_BACKUP_DIR: Set a specific backup directory (default "/tmp/backup").

PG_BACKUP_FILENAME: Set a specific filename backup (default "backup.last.bz2").

PG_CHECK: Defines name of backup-file to initialize the database. Note that the backup must be inside the container, so you may need to mount them. You can specify as default that is equivalent to the /tmp/backup/backup.last.bz2

PG_RESTORE: Defines name of backup-file to initialize the database. Note that the backup must be inside the container, so you may need to mount them. You can specify as default that is equivalent to the /tmp/backup/backup.last.bz2

PG_ROTATE_BACKUP: Determines whether to use the rotation of backups (default "true").

REPLICATION_PORT: Set a specific replication port for the master instance (default "5432").

REPLICATION_USER: Set a specific replication username for the master instance (default "replica").

REPLICATION_PASS: Set a specific replication password for the master instance (default "replica").

PG_TRUST_LOCALNET: Set this env variable to true to enable a line in the pg_hba.conf file to trust samenet. This can be used to connect from other containers on the same host without authentication (default "false").

PG_SSLMODE: Set this env variable to "require" to enable encryption and "verify-full" for verification (default "disable").

DB_NAME: Set name DB.

DB_USER: Set name by user.

DB_PASS: Set password by user.

DB_LOCALE (alias OS_LOCALE): Set a locale DB (default "en_US.UTF-8").


All the logs are forwarded to stdout and sterr. You have use the command docker logs.

docker logs postgresql

####Split the logs

You can then simply split the stdout & stderr of the container by piping the separate streams and send them to files:

docker logs postgresql > stdout.log 2>stderr.log
cat stdout.log
cat stderr.log

or split stdout and error to host stdout:

docker logs postgresql > -
docker logs postgresql 2> -

####Rotate logs

Create the file /etc/logrotate.d/docker-containers with the following text inside:

/var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log {
    rotate 31

Optionally, you can replace nocompress to compress and change the number of days.

Out of the box

  • Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 LTS
  • PostgreSQL 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10 or 11


PostgreSQL docker image is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license


PostgreSQL container image which can be linked to other containers.







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