- Defines variables scoped at the block level
- Global let variables are not properties on the global object. They live in the scope of an invisible block that notionally encloses all JS code.
- Loops of the form for (let x...) create a fresh binding for x in each iteration.
- Redeclaring a variable with let is a SyntaxError.
- Trying to use a let variable before its declaration is reached results in an error
if (true) {
let foo = "bar";
foo; // will give an error because it is out of scope
- can't declare it without giving it a value
const pi = 3.14159265359;
pi = 420; // SyntaxError
let add = function(x, y) { return x + y; };
let add = (x, y) => x + y;
Arrow function in more details
npm install babel -g
babel source.js --out-file output.js
Adding source maps
babel source.js --out-file output.js --source-maps
Transpiling a directory
babel libfolder --out-dir buildfolder
Concatenate folder or mulitple files
babel libfolder --out-file concat.js
Used withing grunt, gulp, or webpack