This is an application to set multiple timers sequentially.
It is tested on Debian 9, 10, 11, Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04, Windows 10 with Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop installed.
Probably works on the others GNU/Linux ditros too.
All credits are to, the script is taken from here
Settings are saved in your home with in the .multi-timer file. (You can make a copy).
The yad and libnotify-bin package are required, this install them on Debian:
apt install yad libnotify-bin
This package doesn't work on gnome wayland, because of yad.
The default sound is alarm.wav, by default the script looks in /usr/share/sounds/multi-timer. By default pulseaudio is used to play it. If you don't have it change at line 361 "paplay" to "aplay" to use only alsa. It supports only WAV files. Another option is "mpv", it supports a lot of formats.
You may need to set the number of timers: At line number 143, 144 and 145 you will see this:
# No. of timers default is 17 for 768 line screen and TMR_DURATION_NDX is 30
TMR_DURATION_NDX=30 # Set to 28 for 800x600 screen, 32 for 1920x1080 screen
MAX_TIMERS=17 # Set to 15 for 800x600 screen, 19 for 1920x1080 screen
Although 19 timers are supported, they might only fit on a 1920x1080 screen. About 17 (the default setting) will fit on the average 1024x768 screen. If you have Super VGA with 800x600 resolution you might only get 13 to 15 timers.
You must change the values on the others lines at the same time:
Bash field name ----------- Values to assign ---------
TMR_DURATION_NDX 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
MAX_TIMERS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
eg If you want a maximum of 12 timers, set TMR_DURATION_NDX=25 and MAX_TIMERS=12.
After changing the Index and Maximum save the multi-timer file. If you have already run the program once a configuration file may have been created and it will have to be deleted. Use this command to remove the old configuration file:
rm ~/.multi-timer
In this repo there are also a launcher, an icon and an alarm. You can specify the paths in the launcher and with alacarte (tested on gnome) you can add it to the applications menu.
If you copy the script to /usr/bin you can also launch it from the cli using:
Works for all the users.
Copying the files:
cp multi-timer /usr/bin/
cp multi-timer.svg /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/
cp /usr/share/doc/multi-timer/
cp multi-timer.desktop /usr/share/applications/
cp alarm.wav /usr/share/sounds/multi-timer/
cp multi-timer.1 /usr/share/man/man1/
Or on Debian install the .deb:
dpkg -i multi-timer_0.1.1-1_all.deb