This contains the scripts and instructions to manage portfolio filtering on the website.
Companies are pulled from this Squarespace gallery. To add a company, simply upload a new file into the gallery, and change the settings so that it has the corrcet clickthrough URL and "Categories".
The Companies section is simply a Squarespace grid object that is linked to a Squarespace gallery. The code that filters by companies is uploaded as a code injection to the website. To find this code, go to the Squarespace Pages, click on the settings button for the Welcome page, and click the Advanced tab.
The script is found in this repo at activewebsitescript.html. This script relies on a hosted css sheet and javascript script - these have been locally download in this repo at custom-filter.min.css and custom-filter.min.js. For the custom-filter package, there is a Readme.txt and examples of how to use it in UniversalFilterPageInjections.txt