DataPackageR 0.15.4
New CRAN Release
Features and enhancements
- Reduce the console output from logging. (/issues/50)
- Create a new logger that logs at different thresholds to console and to file (/issues/50)
- Default on build is not to install.
- Hide console output from Rmd render.
- Nicer messages describing data sets that are created (/issues/51)
- Write deleted, changed, and added data objects to the NEWS file automatically.
- Add option to overwrite (or not) via use_processing_script. Provide warning.
- Add use_ignore() to ignore files and data sets in .Rbuildignore and .gitignore and added ignore argument to use_raw_dataset().
Bug fixes
- code argument no longer required for construct_yml_config
- Fix the documentation for datapackager_object_read() and "Migrating old packages".
- Copy over vignettes generated as pdfs into the package inst/doc
- Data objects are incrementally stored during the build process, into the render_root directory specified in the datapackager.yml config file.