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Releases: ropensci/tarchetypes

Improvements to static branching and literate programming

31 Jan 16:20
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tarchetypes 0.12.0

  • Fix tar_combine() help file examples (#206, @weberse2).
  • Account for project-level output_dir in non-project tar_quarto() calls (#207, @brndngrhm).
  • Use name when passing the quiet argument to quarto_inspect() (#208, @yusuke-sasaki-jprep).
  • Explicitly pass the profile argument to quarto_inspect() and quarto_render(). Requires R package quarto >= 1.4, which is already in the DESCIRPTION.
  • tar_map_rep() now aggregates dynamic branches in parallel over static branches (#204).
  • Add tar_rep_index() (#203).

Quarto interface improvements

15 Nov 15:57
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tarchetypes 0.11.0

  • Add an output_file argument to tar_quarto() and tar_quarto_raw() for single documents (#198, @mutlusun).
  • Detect child quarto documents (#199, @mutlusun).
  • Improve reporting of static branch names from tar_map() and tar_map_rep() (#201, @kkmann).
  • Ensure compatibility with targets after ropensci/targets#1368.
  • Improve detection of Quarto files in tar_quarto_inspect() (#200, @multusun).

tar_assign() and nanoparquet

26 Sep 14:42
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tarchetypes 0.10.0

  • Add a delimiter argument to tar_map() etc. for customizing separators in target names (#177, @psychelzh).
  • Add "raw" hook functions (#185, @multimeric).
  • Add tar_assign() (#186, ropensci/targets#1309, @hadley).
  • Merge help files of "_raw" functions (#191, @hadley).
  • Supersede tar_format_feather() in favor of tar_arrow_feather() (#190).
  • Supersede the tar_aws_*() target factories. They are obsolete because of the repository argument in tar_target().


17 Apr 17:17
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tarchetypes 0.9.0

Invalidating changes

Descriptions, working directories, and output file paths

18 Mar 18:18
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tarchetypes 0.8.0

  • Expose the new description argument of tar_target() in targets
  • tar_map() and other static branching target factories now append values to the target descriptions. Use the descriptions argument of those functions to customize.
  • Ensure consistent repository settings in tar_change() and tar_map_rep().
  • tar_knit(), tar_render(), tar_quarto(), and their "rep" and "raw" versions all gain a working_directory argument to change the working directory the report knits from. Users who set working_directory need to supply the store argument of tar_load() and tar_read() relative to the working directory so the report knows where to find the data (#169).
  • tar_knit(), tar_render(), tar_quarto(), and their "raw" versions all gain an output_file argument to more conveniently set the file path to the rendered output file.
  • tar_quarto() and its "rep" and "raw" versions all gain a new quarto_args argument for advanced Quarto arguments (#166, @petrbouchal).

Compatibility with upcoming guardrails in `targets`

06 Feb 20:06
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tarchetypes 0.7.12 (development)

  • Adjust tests because group iteration is now explicitly prohibited for dynamic targets.

Smooth over alignment with {targets}' seeds

08 Jan 16:39
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tarchetypes 0.7.11

  • Use tar_seed_create() and tar_seed_set() from targets.
  • Document limitations of literate programming target factories like tar_render() (#158).
  • Make tar_rep2() compatible with tar_map() (#165).

Seeds and progress status

04 Dec 19:16
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tarchetypes 0.7.10

  • Prepare to use tar_seed_create() and tar_seed_set() (ropensci/targets#1139). Future versions of tarchetypes should use these package functions, but this version cannot because of the compatibility constraints of the release cycle.
  • Migrate tests to targets >= progress statuses ("completed" instead of "built", "dispatched" instead of "started").

Nested parallelism workaround

04 Oct 14:39
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tarchetypes 0.7.9

  • Deprecate the packages and library arguments of tar_quarto() and tar_quarto_raw() (#155, @svraka).
  • Switch to from furrr to parallel for rep_workers in tar_rep() etc. (#251, @solmos).

Minor patch

01 Sep 15:27
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tarchetypes 0.7.8

  • Relax overly strict assertion on R Markdown / Quarto parameter lists (@rmgpanw, #152).
  • Adjust a test to comply with upcoming targets 1.3.0.