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Razvan Deaconescu edited this page Feb 23, 2014 · 1 revision

If you want an already installed World of USO environment you may download and use the VirtualBox virtual machine: On a Unix system run:

tar xzf wouso-dev.tar.gz

and then add the virtual machine in VirtualBox.

Logging In the VM

After starting the virtual machine, as also stated in the login message, use wouso as both the username and password to log in. The wouso user can use sudo su to get a root prompt, if required.

Running World of USO

World of USO is already configured in the wouso.git folder in the home folder of wouso. It uses a MySQL database configured as shown in wouso.git/wouso/ database name, username and password are wouso.

You have to enable the virtual environment:

wouso@wouso-dev:~/wouso.git$ . sandbox/bin/activate

and then you can start the server to listen on all interfaces on port 8000:

(sandbox)wouso@wouso-dev:~/wouso.git/wouso$ ./ runserver
Validating models...

0 errors found
Django version 1.4.2, using settings 'wouso.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

In order to connect to the server in the virtual machine, open a browser on the host system and point to http://<IP-of-VM>:8000/. The <IP-of-VM> construct is replaced by the IP address of the eth1 interface of the virtual machine, the one you used for connecting through SSH.

Logging In World of USO

Once the server is started and you opened a connection with web browser on the host system, you will be shown a login form into World of USO. Use username admin and password wouso for full administrative access to World of USO.