Widgests from SP_Y. Please check the Wiki for detail.
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'SPWidgets_iOS'
pod install
SPAdditions @Git
This is an expension for system class including NSDate, NSString, NSMutableArray, UIImage, and UIView.
SPGameStick @Git
This is a game sticker, or controller.
- Slide sticker smoothly.
- Long press for moving sticker.
- Multiple stickers in a same ViewController.
This is a circle pop menu.
SPBasicMath @Git
This is a series of math functions.
- Distinguish two arrays length equal or not.
- Get the mean of an array.
- Calculate the standard deviation of an array.
- Calculate Euclidean Distance of an array.
- Calculate Manhattan Distance of an array.
- Calculate Chebyshev Distance of an array.
- Calculate Minkowski Distance of an array.
- Set own Text, Text Color, Font, and Position.
- Set image with Wanted Size and Position.
- Set own Custom View and Position.
This is a customized UIViewController with customized navigationbar item, animated message displaying, and alert message.
- Functions Added, but still in testing.
- Documents in writing. I will finish it soon.
- Plan to add AutoLayout for this calendar in future.
- UIColor+expanded class. Thanks for VOORBEELDEN.