This script configures a Debian-based system to act as a wireless access point. The whole AP functionality runs inside a docker container.
The script should be run with sudo privileges. The docker image fgg89/docker-ap
will be built the first time the script is executed (you can find the Dockerfile under /build
). The image contains the programs dnsmasq and hostapd. Their respective configuration files are generated on the fly and mounted in the docker container.
The docker container is granted exclusive access to the physical wireless interface (for more info please visit:
- Tested on: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Raspbian 8 (jessie)
- Supported architectures: x86_64, armv7
- SSID = DockerAP
- Passphrase = dockerap123
The script will configure the AP with the previous settings. However, if you wish to set different ones then you should modify the wlan_config.txt
file and adjust the parameters there.
Start the service:
./docker_ap start [wlan_interface]
Stop the service:
./docker_ap stop [wlan_interface]