A high-level design of the network is shown in the figure below. The traffic flows as follows -
- Flow 1 -> This flow occurs every time a new client is started. Each client has a name (e.g., client1.c6610.uml.edu, client2.c6610.uml.edu) that it registers with the network.
- Flow 2 -> This flow occurs every 10 seconds on each running client. Each client connects with the network to retrieve the names of all other clients connected to the network.
- Flow 3 -> This flow occurs every 15 seconds on each running client. Each client establishes a connection with other clients and sends the message PING to them. Each client responds back with a PONG
Create one certificate like so, and use it on each node.
$ chmod +x cert_gen.sh
$ ./cert_gen.sh
$ ./server.py
$ ./client.py
Un-comment the logging config line at the top of both files to have additional logging printed to stdout.