This is a code to compute the fraction of dark matter that is captured inside the Earth through spin-independent or spin-dependent scattering.
The code is developed based on DaMaSCUS. The main code is located in the src/simulation and src/simulation_SD folders.
- openmpi
- eigen3
- boost
To run the code for spin-independent interactions, under the main directory,
cd bin/
mpirun -n NCPU ./DaMaSCUS-Simulator config.cfg mDM xs Nsim
where the different parameters are:
- NCPU: number of processors in computation.
- config.cfg: the configuration file.
- mass: the mass of dark matter in MeV.
- xs: dark matter-nucleon scattering cross section in pb.
- Nsim: total number of dark matter particles to be simulated.
If mass, xs, or Nsim is not specified, their values will be set by the corresponding entries in config.cfg. If mpi error is encounter, one can try
export TMPDIR=/tmp
before the run.
To run the code for spin-dependent interactions,
mpirun -n NCPU ./DaMaSCUS-SD config.cfg mDM xs Nsim
It is also possible to set proton-only or neutron-only scattering in src/simulation_SD/PREM.cpp with
#define ap 0
#define an 0
To get rid of the solar gravitational acceleration of dark matter velocity, simply set
double vsunEarth=0;
in IC_Generator.cpp.
Feel free to use, modify or distribute the code. If you use the code in your publication, please cite the paper 2210.01812.
In addition, please cite the original DaMaSCUS code
For questions or suggestions, please contact Ningqiang Song [email protected]