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A matter of timing: biting by malaria-infected Anopheles mosquitoes and the use of interventions during the night in rural south-eastern Tanzania
Namango I, Moore SJ, Marshall C, Saddler A, Kaftan D, Tenywa FC, Makungwa N, Limwagu JA, Mapua S, Odufuwa OG, Ligema G, Ngonyani G, Matanila I, Bharmal J, Moore J, Finda M, Okumu F, Hetzel MW, Ross A
PLOS Global Public Health 2024 4(12): e0003864
The Stata dataset is 1biting_data.dta
The number of HLC for table 2 are summarized by
The hourly biting rates are estimated in R using 1biting_getHrlyEsts_table2.r - and written to 1biting_estd_hrly_rates.csv. reads in the data 2sporoz_data.dta, calculates the estimated proportion of bites infected for hours and species and writes the estimates to 2sporoz_propInfected_ests.dta
The human behaviour data can be downloaded from Finda MF et al, Supporting Information 5.
The data is prepared using and written to 3human_behaviour_data.dta.
Estimates of the proportion of household members in different locations for each hour are calculated using and written to 3human_behaviour_ests.dta.
The estimates calculated for each component above are combined using This do file also calculates the EIR estimates.
The figure legends were left out of the published paper by mistake.
Figure 2 – the legend should read: Left panel: Below school-age, Right panel: school-age and above Shaded bars: dark grey: outdoors, mid-grey: indoors out of bed, light grey: indoors in bed. Lines: Anopheles bites per hour Blue: An. arabiensis, Red: An. funestus, Solid: indoor HLC, Dotted: outdoor HLC
Figure 3 – the legend should read: Estimated percentage and 95% CI of individuals using ITNs. Red: children below school-age. Blue: school-age and older
Figure 4 – the legend should read: The y-axis is the mean number of infected bites per person per hour