Need to Node: Getting started with Node.JS, Docker, and Kubernetes
cd helloworld
less index.js
less package.json
npm install
node index.js
less Dockerfile
docker build -t rosskukulinski/helloworld:v1.0.0 .
docker images
docker push rosskukulinski/helloworld:v1.0.0
kubectl run helloworld --image=rosskukulinski/helloworld:v1.0.0 --port=3000 --port 8000 --replicas=3 --labels=app=helloworld
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pods <pod>
kubectl exec <pod> -c helloworld -- node -v
kubectl logs -f <pod> redis
kubectl port-forward <pod> 5000:3000
kubectl scale deployment/helloworld --replicas=5
kubectl get pods
less svc/helloworld.yml
kubectl create -f svc/helloworld.yml
kubectl describe svc helloworld
kubectl run busybox --image=odise/busybox-curl sleep 600
kubectl exec -ti <pod-name> /bin/sh
curl helloworld
curl helloworld/version
curl http://<lb-public-ip>/
while true; do curl http://<lb-public-ip>/version; sleep .5; done
kubectl edit deployment/helloworld
kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld
less deployments/helloworld-v1.yml
kubectl create -f deployments/helloworld-v1.yml
kubectl describe deployments/helloworld
curl http://<podip>
kubectl get pods
kubectl label pods <pod> track-
kubectl label pods <pod> track=stable
less deployments/helloworld-canary.yml
kubectl create -f deployments/helloworld-canary.yml
kubectl get pods
while true; do curl http://<lb-public-ip>/version; sleep .5; done
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods -l app=helloworld,track=stable
kubectl get pods -l app=helloworld,track=canary
less deployments/helloworld-v2.yml
kubectl apply -f deployments/helloworld-v2.yml
kubectl rollout history deployment/helloworld
kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld