PostgreSQL STIG Compliance Validator (pgStigCheck) for InSpec is an open source compliance testing solution for PostgreSQL.
Developed in order to reduce the time it takes to secure authority to operate (ATO) certification for cloud services, pgStickCheck technology leverages open source software to provide automated compliance testing in real time. pgStigCheck uses the InSpec, which provides an open source compliance, security and policy testing framework that dynamically extracts system configuration information.
The PostgreSQL Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) by the United States Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) offers security-conscious enterprises a comprehensive guide for the configuration and operation of open source PostgreSQL.
STIGs are the configuration standards for United States Department of Defense (DoD) Information Assurance (IA) and IA-enabled devices/systems published by the United States Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). Since 1998, DISA has played a critical role enhancing the security posture of DoD's security systems by providing the STIGs. The STIGs contain technical guidance to "lock down" information systems/software that might otherwise be vulnerable to a malicious computer attack.
The requirements associated with the PostgreSQL STIG are derived from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Revision 4 and related documents.
While the PostgreSQL STIG was developed to provide technical guidance to "lock down" information systems used within the DoD, the guidance applies to all organizations that need to meet internal security as well as compliance standards.
The PostgreSQL STIG provides guidance on the configuration of PostgreSQL to address requirements associated with:
- Authentication
- Access Controls
- Data encryption at rest and over the wire
- Auditing
- Logging
- Administration
- Protection against SQL Injection
To run the PostgreSQL STIG Compliance Validator, there are specific requirements on both the database host as will as the STIG valudation host.
- PostgreSQL 9.5+ cluster running on *nix host
- Remote access to PostgreSQL Server
- lsof
- netstat
- Linux VM or Host
- sudo access to install packages
- git
- ssh
- ruby using rvm
- InSpec
$ curl -sSL | gpg2 --import -
$ curl -L | bash -s stable
$ rvm install 2.4.0
$ rvm use 2.4 --default
gem install inspec
inspec --version
pg_owner: 'postgres'
pg_group: 'postgres'
pg_owner_password: '<my secret password>'
pg_dba: '<dba username'
pg_dba_password: '<my dba password>'
pg_user: '<username>'
pg_user_password: '<my password>'
pg_host: ''
pg_port: '5432'
pg_db: 'test_db'
pg_table: 'test_table'
login_user: '<user on remote DB server>'
login_host: '<DB Host IP>'
pg_version: '9.5'
pg_data_dir: "/var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data"
pg_conf_file: "/var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data/postgresql.conf"
pg_user_defined_conf: "/var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data/stig-postgresql.conf"
pg_hba_conf_file: "/var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data/pg_hba.conf"
pg_ident_conf_file: "/var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data/pg_ident.conf"
pg_shared_dirs: [
pg_conf_mode: '0600'
pg_ssl: 'on'
pg_log_dest: 'syslog'
pg_syslog_facility: ['local0']
pg_syslog_owner: 'postgres'
pgaudit_log_items: ['ddl','role','read','write']
pgaudit_log_line_items: ['%m','%u','%c']
pg_superusers: [
pg_users: [
pg_replicas: [
pg_max_connections: '100'
pg_timezone: 'UTC'
Note: replace the profile's directory name - e.g. - postgresql-stig-insepc
with .
if you are in the profile's root directory.
inspec exec postgresql-stig-inspec/controls/V-72845.rb --attrs attributes.yml -i <your ssh private key> -t ssh://<user>@<db host>:<port>
or use the --controls
inspec exec postgresql-stig-inspec --controls=V-72845 V-72861 --attrs attributes.yml -i <your ssh private key> -t ssh://<user>@<db host>:<port>
inspec exec postgresql-stig-insepc --controls=V-72845 --attrs attributes.yml -i <your ssh private key> --sudo --sudo-options="-u postgres" -t ssh://<user>@<db host>:<port> | ./tools/ --bg=dark > inspec-report.html
When executing all the Controls, InSpec will generate warning
already initialized constant #<Class:0x000000.......>::<Attribuet Name>
, it is safe to ignore it. We are working with InSpec upstream to get it fixed.
inspec exec postgresql-stig-inspec --attrs attributes.yml -i <your ssh private key> --sudo --sudo-options="-u postgres" -t ssh://<user>@<db host>:<port>
inspec exec postgresql-stig-inspec --attrs attributes.yml -i <your ssh private key> --sudo --sudo-options="-u postgres" -t ssh://<user>@<db host>:<port> | ./tools/ --bg=dark > inspec-report.html