钉钉自定义机器人 Golang API.
- 文本类型
- link 类型
- markdown 类型
- 整体跳转 ActionCard 类型
go get -u github.com/royeo/dingrobot
import "github.com/royeo/dingrobot"
func main() {
// You should replace the webhook here with your own.
webhook := "https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxx"
robot := dingrobot.NewRobot(webhook)
content := "我就是我, @1825718XXXX 是不一样的烟火"
atMobiles := []string{"1825718XXXX"}
isAtAll := false
err := robot.SendText(content, atMobiles, isAtAll)
if err != nil {
发送 link 类型的消息:
func main() {
// You should replace the webhook here with your own.
webhook := "https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxx"
robot := dingrobot.NewRobot(webhook)
title := "自定义机器人协议"
text := "群机器人是钉钉群的高级扩展功能。群机器人可以将第三方服务的信息聚合到群聊中,实现自动化的信息同步。例如:通过聚合GitHub,GitLab等源码管理服务,实现源码更新同步;通过聚合Trello,JIRA等项目协调服务,实现项目信息同步。不仅如此,群机器人支持Webhook协议的自定义接入,支持更多可能性,例如:你可将运维报警提醒通过自定义机器人聚合到钉钉群。"
messageUrl := "https://open-doc.dingtalk.com/docs/doc.htm?spm=a219a.7629140.0.0.Rqyvqo&treeId=257&articleId=105735&docType=1"
picUrl := ""
err := robot.SendLink(title, text, messageUrl, picUrl)
if err != nil {
发送 markdown 类型的消息:
func main() {
// You should replace the webhook here with your own.
webhook := "https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxx"
robot := dingrobot.NewRobot(webhook)
title := "杭州天气"
text := "#### 杭州天气 \n > 9度,@1825718XXXX 西北风1级,空气良89,相对温度73%\n\n > \n > ###### 10点20分发布 [天气](http://www.thinkpage.cn/) "
atMobiles := []string{"1825718XXXX"}
isAtAll := false
err := robot.SendMarkdown(title, text, atMobiles, isAtAll)
if err != nil {
发送整体跳转 ActionCard 类型的消息:
func main() {
// You should replace the webhook here with your own.
webhook := "https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxx"
robot := dingrobot.NewRobot(webhook)
title := "乔布斯 20 年前想打造一间苹果咖啡厅,而它正是 Apple Store 的前身"
text := " \n #### 乔布斯 20 年前想打造的苹果咖啡厅 \n\n Apple Store 的设计正从原来满满的科技感走向生活化,而其生活化的走向其实可以追溯到 20 年前苹果一个建立咖啡馆的计划"
singleTitle := "阅读全文"
singleURL := "https://www.dingtalk.com/"
btnOrientation := "0"
hideAvatar := "0"
err := robot.SendActionCard(title, text, singleTitle, singleURL, btnOrientation, hideAvatar)
if err != nil {
MIT Copyright (c) 2018 Royeo