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`getHeight` and `getBlock` performance impacts

Artemis Rosman edited this page Jun 9, 2024 · 1 revision

You may notice when using the library that code running getHeight or getBlock in a loop is not very performant. This is an unfortunate limitation of how the communication between your code and Minecraft works - the socket over which information is sent is blocked while it waits for a response. Speeding this up requires being at least somewhat hacky - it's not possible to multithread or async these calls without propagating to client code. Unfortunately, this project is meant as a teaching tool, which means that the end users should not be forced to use C++ async code.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to work around this - call the bulk equivalents of getHeights and getBlocks! You can access the results in a data structure stored in local memory that does not have any socket overheads. This will probably make your code run almost instantaneously in comparison to the results you had before.

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