A small example that demonstrates how Asciidoctor can be used in Maven to generate multiple backends from shared sources:
A multi-page Maven site with a navigation sidebar, using asciidoctor-maven-plugin Doxia asciidoc sink.
A single-page HTML handbook, using asciidoctor-maven-plugin
A PDF handbook, using asciidoctor-pdf
and Github’s rendering, based on Github markup
This is inspired by asciidoctor-maven-examples, but rather than having multiple sub-modules, it generates multiple outputs inside a single project, re-using the same base material.
Fallbacking from fonts to images for admonition on the Maven site
Using leveloffset with includes, to integrate individual fragments
Using ifdef::backend-* when content is only needed for a specific backend, in particular for rendering on github (see some tips)
Including source code and linking to a generated Javadoc
Including images from sub-templates, with relative paths
Cross-section/page links
Using unicode Dingbat circled digits to simulate callouts in diagrams
Using Docinfo files and tocdoc to have an auto-expanded TOC
To build the project:
mvn clean site
The build will fail in case of errors, warnings or infos reported by Asciidoctor.
The built Maven site from master branch is automatically deployed to https://rquinio.github.io/asciidoctor-maven-demo:
Travis CI does a force push to the branch gh-pages, using a GitHub API key stored in Travis settings - see deploy.sh
rquinio.github.io repo uses a submodule pointing to gh-pages branch of this repo
Update of sub-module is detected by GitHub Pages - see Using submodules with Pages