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Multi language types generation from Zod schemas.


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@zod-to-x is a Zod-based library designed to establish a centralized methodology for defining data structures. It allows you to transpile these definitions into various programming languages in a clear and straightforward way. This tool addresses a fundamental requirement of any software: having a clear understanding of the data it handles.

Table of contents

Why Use @zod-to-x?

Managing data consistency across multiple layers and languages is a common challenge in modern software development. @zod-to-x solves this by allowing you to define your data models once and effortlessly transpile them into multiple programming languages. Here’s why it stands out:

  1. Centralized Data Definition
    Define your data structures in one place using the powerful @zod library. This eliminates redundancy, reduces inconsistencies, and simplifies maintenance across your entire codebase, all while allowing you to continue leveraging any npm package in the @zod ecosystem like @zod-to-json-schema

  2. Multi-Language Compatibility
    Generate data models for TypeScript, Protobuf V3 and C++ (with languages like Golang on the roadmap). No more manually rewriting models for different platforms.

  3. Enhanced Productivity
    Automate the transpilation of data models to save time, reduce errors, and let your team focus on business logic instead of boilerplate code.


1) Install @zod-to-x and @zod(*) dependency.

npm install zod-to-x zod

(*) [email protected] version or greather is required.

2) Extend Zod using the extendZod method after the first @zod import:

import { z } from "zod";
import { extendZod } from "zod-to-x";

This extension appends a zod2x method to:

  • ZodEnum
  • ZodNativeEnum
  • ZodObject
  • ZodUnion
  • ZodDiscriminatedUnion
  • ZodIntersection
  • ZodLiteral

Quick start

import { z } from "zod";
import { extendZod, Zod2Ast, Zod2Ts } from "zod-to-x";
extendZod(z); // The extend step can be skipped if it has already been done.

 * 1) Define a data model using Zod schemas
const VisitorSchema = z.object({
  id: z.string().uuid(),
  name: z.string(),
  email: z.string().email(),
  comments: z.string().optional(),
}).zod2x("Visitor"); // Add your expected output type name using the 'zod2x' method.

 * 2) Build an AST node of the Zod schema
const visitorNodes = new Zod2Ast().build(VisitorSchema);

 * 3) Generate types in the desired language.
 *    Depending on the transpiled language, data models can be generated using classes.
const tsVisitorAsInterface: string = new Zod2Ts().transpile(visitorNodes);
// output:
// export interface Visitor {
//     id: string;
//     name: string;
//     email: string;
//     visitDate: Date;
//     comments?: string;
// }

const tsVisitorAsClass: string = new Zod2Ts({outType: "class"}).transpile(visitorNodes);
// output:
// export class Visitor {
//     id: string;
//     name: string;
//     email: string;
//     visitDate: Date;
//     comments?: string;

//     constructor(data: Visitor) {
// =;
// =;
// =;
//         this.visitDate = data.visitdate;
//         this.comments = data.comments;
//     }
// }

Example of supported schemas with its outputs can be found in the test folder:

Intersections and Unions

Starting from v1.3.0, a best practices helper is enabled by default when handling data intersections and unions:

  • Intersections and Unions can only be performed between ZodObject schemas.
  • Discriminant unions shall be used instead of Unions.

These rules help ensure that each data model follows the single responsibility principle. Otherwise, an error will be thrown when building an ASTNode.

NOTE: You can disable these rules at your own risk by setting the strict flag to false when building the ASTNode data model. However, any unexpected behavior or issues resulting from this will not be supported.

Expected outputs

  • For Intersections: whenever possible, an intersection is transpiled into a struct/class that inherits from the intersected data models. Otherwise, a new struct/class is created, where attributes are the result of merging the intersected data models. Any shared key is overridden by the last matching type.
const DataA = z.object({ keyA: z.string(), keyC: z.string() }).zod2x("DataA");
const DataB = z.object({ keyB: z.string(), keyC: z.number() }).zod2x("DataB");
const Intersection = z.intersection(DataA, DataB).zod2x("Intersection");

// C++ case (with inheritance)
// struct Intersection : public DataA, public DataB {
//   // Intersection fields are inherited from base structs.
// };

// Typescript case (with attribute merging)
// class Intersection {
//   keyA: string;
//   keyB: string;
//   keyC: number; // Shared key overriden using the last type.
// };
  • For Unions: whenever possible, a union is transpiled into a variant type composed of the united data models. Otherwise, a new struct/class is created, where attributes are the result of merging the intersected data models. Any common key is preserved as is (if only its requirement differs, it is changed to optional). Other keys are also set as optional.
const DataA = z.object({ keyA: z.string(), keyD: z.string() }).zod2x("DataA");
const DataB = z.object({ keyB: z.string(), keyD: z.string() }).zod2x("DataB");
const Intersection = z.intersection(DataA, DataB).zod2x("Intersection");

// C++ case (with variant type)
// using Intersection = std::variant<DataA, DataB>;

// Typescript case (with attributes merge)
// class Intersection {
//   keyA?: string; // Different keys are set as optional
//   keyB?: string;
//   keyD: number; // Shared key preserved as is.
// };

Tips for discriminated unions

To enhance data modeling and the serialization/deserialization of a discriminated union type, two key steps should be considered:

  • Using ZodEnum or ZodNativeEnum the define the discriminator key options.
  • Using ZodLiteral to define the specific value of the discriminator key.

Example of discriminant definition:

// Define message types
export const MsgType = z.enum(["TypeA", "TypeB"]).zod2x("MsgType");

// Define different message structures based on the 'msgType' value.
const MessageA = z
        key: z.string(),

        // Assign the type using the corresponding MsgType value and link it with 'zod2x'.
        msgType: z.literal(MsgType.Values.TypeA).zod2x(MsgType),  

const MessageB = z
        otherKey: z.string(),

        // Same process as MessageA.
        msgType: z.literal(MsgType.Values.TypeB).zod2x(MsgType),

// Define the main Message type using ZodDiscriminatedUnion.
export const Message = z
    .discriminatedUnion("msgType", [MessageA, MessageB])

Example of C++ output:

// Discriminated union with direct serialization/deserialization
inline void from_json(const json& j, Message& x) {
    const auto& k ="msgType").get<std::string>();
    if (k == "TypeA") {
        x = j.get<MessageA>();
    else if (k == "TypeB") {
        x = j.get<MessageB>();
    else {
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to deserialize Message: unknown format");

// Using a regular union or a discriminated union without the above approach:
// Fallback to try-catch for serialization/deserialization
inline void from_json(const json& j, Message& x) {
  try {
      x = j.get<MessageA>();
  } catch (const std::exception&) {
  try {
      x = j.get<MessageB>();
  } catch (const std::exception&) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Failed to deserialize Message: unknown format");

Supported output languages

Common options:

  • header: Text to add as a comment at the beginning of the output.
  • indent: Number of spaces to use for indentation in the generated code. Defaults to 4 if not specified.
  • includeComments: Determines whether to include comments in the transpiled code. Defaults to true.
  • skipDiscriminatorNodes: prevents the inclusion of ZodEnum or ZodNativeEnum schemas that are used solely as discriminator keys in a ZodDiscriminatedUnion. Defaults to false.

0) ASTNode

  • Options:
    • strict: When true, it will throw an error if a bad data modeling practice is detected. Default is true.

1) Typescript

  • Options:
    • outType: Output transpilation using Typescript interfaces or Classes. Defaults to interface.

2) Protobuf V3

  • Options:

    • packageName: Name of the protobuf file package.
    • useCamelCase: Protobuf follows the snake_case convention for field names, but camelCase can also be used. Defaults to false.
  • Limitations:

    • ZodTuple is supported only for items of the same type.

3) C++

Nlohmann dependency is used for data serialization/deserialization. For C++11, Boost dependency is used. For C++17 or newer, standard libraries are used.

  • Options:
    • includeNulls: When serializing, include all values even if null. Defaults to false.
    • namespace: Name of the namespace containing the output code.
    • outType: Output transpilation using C++ Structs or Classes. Defaults to struct.
    • skipSerialize: Remove Nlohmann JSON serialization/deserialization. Defaults to false.

Mapping of supported Zod Types

Zod Type TypeScript Protobuf C++
z.string() string string std::string
z.number() number double, uint32, uint64, ìnt32, int64 double, uint32_t, uint64_t, ìnt32_t, int64_t
z.bigint() number int64, uint64 int64_t, uint64_t
z.boolean() boolean bool bool Date google.protobuf.Timestamp Not supported
z.literal() Literal value ('value') As number or string As string
z.enum() enum enum enum class T: int
z.nativeEnum() Native enum enum enum class T: int
z.array() T[] repeated field std::vector<T>
z.set() Set<T> repeated field std::set<T>
z.tuple() [T1, T2, T3] repeated field std::tuple<T1, T2, T3>
z.object() interface or class message struct or class
z.record() Record<string, T> map<string, K> std::unordered_map<T> Map<string, T> map<string, K> std::unordered_map<T>
z.union() (2) T1 | T2 or type oneof std::variant<T, K> (boost::variant<T, K> for C++11)
z.discriminatedUnion() T1 | T2 or type oneof std::variant<T, K> (boost::variant<T, K> for C++11)
z.intersection() (1) T1 & T2 or type Not supported struct or class with inheritance
z.any() any google.protobuf.Any nlohmann::json
z.optional() T | undefined Not supported std::optional<T> (boost::optional<T> for C++11)
z.nullable() T | null Not supported std::optional<T> (boost::optional<T> for C++11)

(1) Consider to use Zod's merge instead of ZodIntersection when possible.
(2) Consider to use ZodDiscriminatedUnion when possible. In languages like C++, deserialization is O(1) against the O(n) of the ZodUnion.

Additional utils

  • zod2JsonSchemaDefinitions
    In case of use of libraries like @zod-to-json-schema, the provided zod extension can also be used as a JSON Schema definitions mapper:
import { z } from 'zod';
import { extendZod, zod2JsonSchemaDefinitions } from 'zod-to-x';
import { zodToJsonSchema } from 'zod-to-json-schema';


const Address = z.object({
    street: z.string(),
    city: z.string(),
    zipCode: z.string().nullable(),

const UserRole = z.union([

const StatusEnum = z.enum([
.describe("This is a UserStatus enumerate description.")

export const UserModel = z.object({
    address: Address,
    roles: z.array(UserRole),
    status: StatusEnum,
    friends: z.lazy((): ZodType => UserModel.array().optional().nullable()),
  // [... more attributes]
.describe("This is a UserModel interface description.")

const userDefinitions = zod2JsonSchemaDefinitions(UserModel);
const userJsonSchema = zodToJsonSchema(UserModel, {definitions: userDefinitions});
// output:
// {
//   "$ref": "#/definitions/UserModel",
//   "definitions": {
//     "UserAddress": {
//       "type": "object",
//       "properties": {
//         "street": {
//           "type": "string"
//         },
//         "city": {
//           "type": "string"
//         },
//         "zipCode": {
//           "type": [
//             "string",
//             "null"
//           ]
//         }
//       },
//       "required": [
//         "street",
//         "city",
//         "zipCode"
//       ],
//       "additionalProperties": false
//     },
//     "UserRole": {
//       "type": "string",
//       "enum": [
//         "admin",
//         "editor",
//         "viewer"
//       ]
//     },
//     "UserStatus": {
//       "type": "string",
//       "enum": [
//         "active",
//         "inactive",
//         "pending"
//       ],
//       "description": "This is a UserStatus enumerate description."
//     },
//     "UserModel": {
//       "type": "object",
//       "properties": {
//         "address": {
//           "$ref": "#/definitions/UserAddress"
//         },
//         "roles": {
//           "type": "array",
//           "items": {
//             "$ref": "#/definitions/UserRole"
//           }
//         },
//         "status": {
//           "$ref": "#/definitions/UserStatus"
//         },
//         "friends": {
//           "anyOf": [
//             {
//               "anyOf": [
//                 {
//                   "not": {}
//                 },
//                 {
//                   "type": "array",
//                   "items": {
//                     "$ref": "#/definitions/UserModel"
//                   },
//                   "description": "This is a UserModel interface description."
//                 }
//               ],
//               "description": "This is a UserModel interface description."
//             },
//             {
//               "type": "null"
//             }
//           ],
//           "description": "This is a UserModel interface description."
//         },
//       },
//       "required": [
//         "address",
//         "roles",
//         "status",
//       ],
//       "additionalProperties": false,
//       "description": "This is a UserModel interface description."
//     }
//   },
//   "$schema": ""
// }


View the changelog at Releases.


Multi language types generation from Zod schemas.







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