Syncharr is a tool distributed in a docker image that provides a HTTP Server to receive subtitles synchronization requests for a given video file.
The requests are dispatched in a "first come, first served basis" to an external subtitles synchronization tool. The result of each synchronization request can then be shared via a notification client.
Currently the following external synch tools are supported:
And for the delivery of notifications:
syncharr was implemented with the idea of being integrated and used together with morpheus65535/bazarr. Bazarr already provides an embedded automatic synchronization tool but has some limitations.
Some highlights of synchar:
- Being able to select which tool to be used or to have fallback synch tools when one of them fails;
- Send a notification with the synch result;
- Guarantee that each synch request is perfomed one at a time;
- Detailed logs.
Also, syncharr was implemented in a standalone docker image instead of bundling bazarr:
- to allow to receive bazarr container updates as soon as they are available;
- to easily integrate it in other environments/other tools;
- to be able to specify a docker cpu throttle just for syncharr container - as subtitle synchronization can be a heavy task at times.
Notice: syncharr is hosted by the Python WSGI HTTP Server: Gunicorn. It is not behind any HTTP proxy server, so its use outside of a local network of your trust is not advised.
Here are some example snippets to show how one can get started creating a container.
version: "2.4"
container_name: syncharr
image: rrvieir4/syncharr:latest
restart: always
- servarr
- "6766:6766"
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Europe/Lisbon
- SYNC_TOOLS=["sc0ty/subsync", "smacke/ffsubsync"]
- TELEGRAM_USER_TOKEN=<your telegram user token>
- TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<your telegram chat id>
- /your/path/to/syncharr/data:/syncharr-data
- /your/path/to/your/media:/media
docker-compose --file docker-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans
docker run -d \
--name=syncharr \
-e PUID=1000 \
-e PGID=1000 \
-e TZ=Europe/Lisbon \
-e SYNC_TOOLS='["sc0ty/subsync", "smacke/ffsubsync"]' \
-e TELEGRAM_USER_TOKEN=<your telegram user token> \
-e TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<your telegram chat id> \
-p 6766:6766 \
-v /your/path/to/syncharr/data:/syncharr-data \
-v /your/path/to/your/media:/media \
--restart unless-stopped \
Name | Is Optional? | Default | Description |
SYNC_TOOLS | Yes | ["sc0ty/subsync", "smacke/ffsubsync"] |
Ordered list with the IDs of the external tools that will be used to try to synchronize subtitles. Current supported tools -> name: sc0ty/subsync, id: sc0ty/subsync ; name: smacke/ffsubsync, id: smacke/ffsubsync . |
Max subtitle synch correction (in seconds) |
Verbosity level (0 - 3), higher number means more data will be printed |
TELEGRAM_USER_TOKEN | Yes | Your telegram user token. If none, no notification is sent | |
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID | Yes | Your telegram chat id. If none, no notification is sent |
: path to the subtitles that will be synchronizedmedia
: path to the video file that will be used as reference to synchronize the subtitlessynchedSub
: path to write the synchronized subtitles file.. if has the same path as thesub
, the latter file is overriden.
In Bazarr, go to the menu:
Settings > Subtitles
and make sure that the 'Custom Post-Processing' option is checked.
Then add as 'command':
curl -G -v "http://<your syncharr address>:6766/sync-request" --data-urlencode sub={{subtitles}} --data-urlencode media={{episode}} --data-urlencode synchedSub={{subtitles}}
Make sure to replace <your syncharr address>
by the actual syncharr address.