Coveralls uploader for .Net Code coverage of your C# source code. Should work with any code files that get reported with the supported coverage tools, but the primary focus is CSharp.
This is available on nuget at To install you can find it by searching for
in the visual studio nuget extension, or install by run this command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package
Head over to the wiki for user guidance on how it works. You can also run the following command for in-app usage guidance:
csmacnz.coveralls.exe --help
Sample applications using to publish their results can be found in the csmacnz/ Project.
- OpenCover
- Mono Code Coverage (monocov)
- Visual Studio's Dynamic Coverage (based on ReportGenerator's support, using vstest.console.exe and CodeCoverage.exe)
Full Supported, In Progress, and Future Support information can be found Coverage Support wiki page
Follow development progress, report bugs and suggest features using github issues (also available at
You can ask questions and get updates using the twitter account (@coverallsdotnet).
Mark Clearwater (Primary Owner)
- @csMACnz on twitter
- csMACnz on github
- [email protected] on email
Throughput of this project (thanks to