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General SIDIS analysis framework for the EIC

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General purpose analysis software for SIDIS at the EIC

This repository provides a set of common tools for the analysis of both full and fast simulations, including the following features:

  • General event loops for reading upstream data structures; for example, src/AnalysisDelphes.cxx for reading Delphes trees
  • Kinematics reconstruction methods (e.g., leptonic, hadronic, Jacquet-Blondel, etc.); see Kinematics Documentation for more information
  • Calculations of SIDIS variables, such as PhiH and qT, for single particles, as well as jet variables
  • Ability to specify arbitrary multi-dimensional binning schemes and cuts; see Adage documentation for more information
  • Output data structures include multi-dimensionally binned histogram sets, tables, and TTrees
  • An analysis is primarily driven by macros, used to set up the binning and other settings

If you prefer to use your own analysis code, but would still like to make use of the common tools provided in this repository (e.g., kinematics reconstruction), this is also possible; you only need to stream the data structure you need, most likely within the event loop. In this situation, it is recommended you fork the repository (pull requests are also welcome).

Here is a flowchart showing the main classes (underlined) and the connections to upstream simulation output:


Setup and Dependencies

Option 1: Use the Singularity or Docker image

  • To minimize setup effort, and provide a consistent development environment, a Singularity image is available, which contains all the dependencies pre-built, as well as sample ROOT files

    • First run container/ to download and build the Singularity image
      • With no arguments, a usage guide will be printed
      • Default image file location is container/img/
      • Note that the image size is about 3 GB
      • Images are hosted on Docker Hub
        • (the Docker image is hosted, but Singularity can pull it too)
    • Then run container/ to start a shell in the Singularity container
      • This will automatically call source upon shell startup, which sets environment variables
    • Proceed with the Building section below (just type make)
  • Alternatively if you prefer to use Docker:

    • obtain the image using docker pull cjdilks/sidis-eic:latest
    • start the container using a standard docker run command; you can also use the script container/, if you find it useful
      • the Docker image was built assuming a default user ID (UID) of 1000; if your UID is different (check with the id command), your user name in the container may be I have no name!, but you should still have read/write permission for the present working directory; we have not tested working in this condition, due to our preference for Singularity, however suggestions how to improve are welcome
      • Docker files are also provided, you can follow container/dev/ for instructions how to build your own image
    • once you are in the Docker container, proceed with the Building section below
    • note: the Singularity container is likely more user-friendly

Option 2: Setup your own environment

  • The other option is to manually set up your environment, by downloading and/or building all of the necessary dependencies
  • Once you have all the dependencies, proceed with the Building section below


  • ROOT: prefer v6.24.02 or later
  • Delphes:
    • the analysis is capable of reading delphes fast simulation output, and also provides a simple wrapper for delphes to help keep input hepmc and output root files organized
      • it is not required to use the delphes wrapper, but delphes libraries are needed for the analysis of fast simulation data
    • first, make sure you have a build of delphes somewhere, preferably in a separate directory
    • set environment variables before doing anything, so this repository knows where your delphes build is: source /path/to/delphes/repository
      • if you do not specify a path to delphes repository, it will use a default path given in; it is useful to edit this default path for your own convenience
      • it will also symlink delphes external code, so analysis macros will not complain
  • MinIO Client, if you will be accessing data from S3 (see s3tools documentation for details)


  • First make sure environment variables are set by calling source
    • If you called container/, this has already been done
  • Build analysis code with make
    • It requires a root build as well as delphes (see above)
    • All classes are found in the src/ directory

Quick Start

  • If you're ready to try the software hands-on, follow the tutorials in the tutorial/ directory


Delphes Fast Simulation

Delphes Wrapper

  • for convenience, the wrapper script is provided, which runs delphes on a given hepmc or hepmc.gz file, and sets the output file names and the appropriate configuration card
    • configuration cards are stored in the cards/ directory as a submodule
      • clone this sidis-eic repository with --recurse-submodules, or if you already have cloned without submodules, execute git submodule update --init to obtain them
    • environment must be set first (source
    • run with no arguments for usage guide
    • in the script, you may need to change exeDelphes to the proper executable, e.g., DelphesHepMC2 or DelphesHepMC3, depending on the format of your generator input
    • if reading a gunzipped file (*.hepmc.gz), this script will automatically stream it through gunzip, so there is no need to decompress beforehand
    • there are some hepmc files on S3; follow s3tools documentation for scripts and guidance
  • the output will be a TTree stored in a root file
    • output files will be placed in datarec/
    • input hepmc(.gz) files can be kept in datagen/


  • The class AnalysisDelphes contains the event loop for reading Delphes trees
    • There are several classes which derive from the base Analysis class; Analysis handles common setup and final output, whereas the derived classes are tuned to read the upstream data formats
  • See the event loop in src/AnalysisDelphes.cxx for details of how the full simulation data are read

ATHENA Full Simulation

  • Full simulation files are stored on S3; follow s3tools documentation for scripts and guidance
  • In general, everything that can be done in fast simulation can also be done in full simulation; just replace your usage of AnalysisDelphes with AnalysisDD4hep
    • In practice, implementations may sometimes be a bit out of sync, where some features exist in fast simulation do not exist in full simulation, or vice versa
  • See the event loop in src/AnalysisDD4hep.cxx for details of how the full simulation data are read

Analysis Procedure

After simulation, this repository separates the analysis procedure into two stages: (1) the Analysis stage includes the event loop, which processes either fast or full simulation output, kinematics reconstruction, and your specified binning scheme, while (2) the Post-processing stage includes histogram drawing, comparisons, table printouts, and any feature you would like to add.

The two stages are driven by macros. See examples in the tutorial directory, and follow the README.

  • Note: most macros stored in this repository must be executed from the sidis-eic top directory, not from within their subdirectory, e.g., run root -b -q tutorial/analysis_template.C; this is because certain library and data directory paths are given as relative paths

Analysis Stage

Analysis Macro and Class

  • the Analysis class is the main class that performs the analysis; it is controlled at the macro level
    • a typical analysis macro must do the following:
      • instantiate an Analysis derived class (e.g., AnalysisDelphes)
      • set up bin schemes and bins (arbitrary specification, see below)
      • set any other settings (e.g., a maximum number of events to process, useful for quick tests)
      • execute the analysis
    • the output will be a root file, filled with TObjArrays of histograms
      • each TObjArray can be for a different subset of events (bin), e.g., different minimum y cuts, so that their histograms can be compared and divided; you can open the root file in a TBrowser to browse the histograms
      • the Histos class is a container for the histograms, and instances of Histos will also be streamed to root files, along with the binning scheme (handled by the BinSet class); downstream post processing code makes use of these streamed objects, rather than the TObjArrays
    • derived classes are specific to upstream data structures:
      • AnalysisDelphes for Delphes trees
      • AnalysisDD4hep for trees from the DD4hep+Juggler stack
    • the Kinematics class is used to calculate all kinematics
      • Analysis-derived classes have one instance of Kinematics for generated variables, and another for reconstructed variables, to allow quick comparison (e.g., for resolutions)
      • calculations are called by Analysis-derived classes, event-by-event or particle-by-particle or jet-by-jet
      • see Kinematics Documentation for details of Kinematics

Bin Specification

  • The bins may be specified arbitrarily, using the BinSet and CutDef classes
    • see example analysis_*C macros in tutorial/
    • CutDef can store and apply an arbitrary cut for a single variable, such as:
      • ranges: a<x<b or |x-a|<b
      • minimum or maximum: x>a or x<a
      • no cut (useful for "full" bins)
    • The set of bins for a variable is defined by BinSet, a set of bins
      • These bins can be defined arbitrarily, with the help of the CutDef class; you can either:
        • Automatically define a set of bins, e.g., N bins between a and b
          • Equal width in linear scale
          • Equal width in log scale (useful for x and Q2)
          • Any custom TAxis
        • Manually define each bin
          • example: specific bins in z and pT:
            • |z-0.3|<0.1 and |pT-0.2|<0.05
            • |z-0.7|<0.1 and |pT-0.5|<0.05
          • example: 3 different y minima:
            • y>0.05
            • y>0.03
            • y>0 (no cut)
            • note that the arbitrary specification permits bins to overlap, e.g., an event with y=0.1 will appear in all three bins
  • Multi-dimensional binning
    • Binning in multi-dimensions is allowed, e.g., 3D binning in x,Q2,z
    • See Adage documentation for more information on how multi-dimensional binning is handled, as well as the Adage syntax reference
    • Be careful of the curse of dimensionality

Simple Tree

  • The Analysis class is also capable of producing a simple TTree, handled by the SimpleTree class, which can also be useful for analysis
    • As the name suggests, it is a flat tree with a minimal set of variables, specifically needed for SIDIS spin asymmetry analysis
    • The tree branches are configured to be compatible with asymmetry analysis code built on the BruFit framework
    • There is a switch in Analysis to enable/disable whether this tree is written

Post-Processing Stage

Post-Processing Macro and Class

  • results processing is handled by the PostProcessor class, which does tasks such as printing tables of average values, and drawing ratios of histograms
    • this class is steered by postprocess_*.C macros, which includes the following:
      • instantiate PostProcessor, with the specified root file that contains output from the analysis macro
      • loops over bins and perform actions, using Adage
  • see src/PostProcessor.h and src/PostProcessor.cxx for available post-processing routines; you are welcome to add your own

Asymmetry Fitting

  • the SimpleTree output is compatible with asymmetry code, included here as a submodule in asym/
    • clone this sidis-eic repository with --recurse-submodules, to get largex-eic-asym and its main dependency brufit
    • follow asym/


  • Contributions are welcome via pull requests and issues reporting; it is recommended to fork this repository
  • Continuous Integration (CI) will trigger on pull requests, which will build and test your contribution; see Actions tab for workflows for details
  • It is recommended to keep up-to-date with developments by browsing the pull requests, issues, and viewing the latest commits by going to the Insights tab, and clicking Network to show the branch topology


General SIDIS analysis framework for the EIC






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  • C++ 62.0%
  • C 21.6%
  • Fortran 9.6%
  • Shell 5.6%
  • Makefile 0.6%
  • Python 0.5%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%