Build an album of audio tracks from each given NPR programme
Each NPR news program has a page for today's airing. These scripts scrape each program's page, identifying the MP3 download links and building a playlist with accompanying titles. Files are then gathered, downcoded to low bitrate mono and id3 tagged as an "Album" with numbered tracks and titles.
- When packaged as an album, you can see the title of each story and know if you care about it or have heard it before (because reruns)
- You can skip to the next story at will!
- All underwriting credits and ads are cleverly omitted 👿
Supported Programs:
- All Things Considered
- Morning Edition
- Fresh Air
- Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
- Weakened Edition
- Linux or MacOS
- lame
It currently runs well from cron. Not sure if daemon/sysctl is warranted.
These were learned as good times to expect all story files to be available. Sometimes you're going to miss 1 or 2, if it's a big/hot news day.
52 6 * * 1-5 $HOME/bin/ me 2>&1
56 6 * * 1-5 $HOME/bin/ me 2>&1
35 16 * * 1-5 $HOME/bin/ fa 2>&1
39 16 * * 1-5 $HOME/bin/ fa 2>&1
52 16 * * * $HOME/bin/ atc 2>&1
56 16 * * * $HOME/bin/ atc 2>&1
22 8 * * 6 $HOME/bin/ wesat 2>&1
26 8 * * 6 $HOME/bin/ wesat 2>&1
0 23 * * 6 $HOME/bin/ ww 2>&1
2 23 * * 6 $HOME/bin/ ww 2>&1
35 23 2 7 * $HOME/bin/ fa 2>&1
39 23 2 7 * $HOME/bin/ fa 2>&1
To Do items have moved to Issues
Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <program> [<MMDDYYYY>]
where program can be atc, fa, me, wesat, wesun, we, ww"
Date defaults to current day
Contributors names and contact info
ex. Dominique Pizzie
ex. @DomPizzie
- 1.x
- Initial implementation in PERL
- 2.0.0
- Rewritten in Python
This project is licensed under the [ErikNerd] License - see the file for details, or if it doesn't exist, please disregard.
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.