Welcome. This repository contains the implementation of behavior cloning for autonomous overtaking in lgsvl simulator using PythonAPI. The vehicle used was Lincoln2017MKZ
with Apollo 5.0
sensor configuration.
start by cloning this repository
External library required is the lgsvl PythonAPI. Please refer here https://www.svlsimulator.com/docs/python-api/python-api/#quickstart for a quick installation. The code here was developed using:
- Python 3.8.11
- pytorch=1.7.1=py3.8_cuda11.0.221_cudnn8.0.5_0
- numpy=1.19.5
- opencv-python=
- scikit-learn=1.0.1
- lgsvl Python API
- lgsvl simulator
Note: The Pytorch version used will depend on your cuda version. The requirements.txt
is also available. It was generated using conda list -e > requirements.txt
hence it is not in the right format for pip
Lgsvl simulator is provided the svl
folder in the repository https://github.com/HonWek/autonomous_overtaking/tree/behaviour.
The Lgsvl simulator can also be downloaded from https://www.svlsimulator.com/.
Please refer to https://www.svlsimulator.com/docs/installation-guide/installing-simulator/ during installation.
A good tutorial for the simulator installation tutorial video.
To run the simulator, right-click simulator.exe
go to properties, permissions tab, and check Allow executing as program
In the simulator WebUI navigate to 'Simulations'. Click 'Add New'. In the General tab, enter simulation name and select 'cluster'. Create cluster first if you have not already. Leave Headless mode
In the 'Test Case' tab, select runtime template as API Only
. This will automatically disable Interactive mode
Click 'Next' in 'Autopilot' tab, and finally you can click Publish
to publish your simulation. To run a simulation select a simulation and click 'run simulation'.
Usage of training_mode.py
is to collect data i.e., front camera images, yaw rate (degrees/s), and vehicle velocity (m/s) of the ego vehicle (agent) while being navigated by a human operator to overtake an npc vehicle in the left lane. The default lgsvl map is Straight2LaneSame
. The ego vehicle can be controlled by keyboard arrow keys.
python3 training_mode.py --num_trials <num_trials>
After data collection, saved camera images can be viewed under the folder
If the directory already exists, it will be overwritten.
A log file containing absolute path to each image with steering angle and acceleration will be generated as well.
[absolute path to image.jpg] [steering angle (degrees)] [acceleration (m/s^2)]
If log.csv
already exists, it will be overwritten. As a precaution log.csv
will be replaced with log_augmented.csv
when behavioral_model.py
is called.
Contains a Pytorch deep neural network as a function approximator to predict steering angles and acceleration from front camera image. To train the agent with default settings with the hyperparameters --epochs 80 --batch_size 60
python3 behavioral_model.py
After training, a pytorch model model.pt
will be generated in the working directory.
is a fully trained model of the network using 80 epochs
and learning rate lr=7e-5
To evaluate the model
python3 driving.py --runs <runs>
by default would be the current working directory where behavioral_model.py
is located as model.pt
is generated there.
Specify number of test trials --runs <runs>
contains the function augment_data
which will be called in behavioral_model.py
. It takes in the path to the directory where the original log.csv
is located. The function will create a directory called training_mode_images_flipped
containing training images flipped horizontally and log_augmented.csv
containing absolute paths of the original saved images and the flipped images with their corresponding steering angle and acceleration data. During execution the original log.csv
will be removed. At the end of execution, returns the path to log_augmented.csv
If log.csv
exists the function augment_data
will be executed. Otherwise, the path to log_augmented.csv
will be returned immediately.
A folder containing 4500 front camera images collected from 90 trials used to train model.pt
. Each trial lasts for 5 seconds, meaning the time interval of which the images are collected are 0.1s.
A folder containing images in training_mode_images
flipped horizontally, i.e., around the y-axis.
Please use git clone or download to view the full video
demo with screen recording.