All libraries included
Use a NodeMCU (ESP-12E) to control literally Anything in your house by turning into a Smart Switch.
- NodeMCU
- Micro USB Cable
- Arduino IDE
- Register for an account (
- Login and create a smart home device (Dashboard -> Add smart home device)
- Copy your API Key from dashboard
- Change the Arduino Sketch. Replace the API Key, Wifi SSID and Password
- Change the Device ID in Arduino Code to that supplied on Sinric Dashboard
- Install Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill and Link to your Sinric account.
- Google Home setup mobile :
- Download or Clone Repository
- Open Arduino.IDE Add into the “Additional Boards Manager URLs Board Manager > search ESP8266 and install
- Copy the Libraries to Arduino libraries folder
- Connect led in D2 NodeMCU
- Restart IDE
- Open the sketch needed (NodeMCU_Alexa_GoogleHome.ino)
- Select Generic ESP8266 and port
- Upload
- Test in your mobile with Alexa App and Google Assistance.