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A Clojure library designed to work with pallet 0.8.0 and create a datomic instance. This instance has been tested on Ubuntu and RHEL with the free version of datomic. I don't believe there is anything preventing it from working with non-free versions but I don't have one so don't know the process. Pull requests are welcomed. It is expected that you have java installed on the machine already.

This crate will

  • Download datomic based upon the type and version
  • Unzip datomic into /opt/local/datomic/
  • Update a soft link /opt/local/datomic/current -> /opt/local/datomic/version
  • Install the upstart service. (It will NOT run the service)

Continuous Integration Status

Build Status


Artifacts are released released to Clojars. If you are using Maven, add the following definition to your pom.xml:


The Most Recent Release

With Leiningen

  [org.clojars.strad/datomic-crate "0.8.10"]

With Maven


Server Spec

The datomic crate defines the datomic function, that takes a settings map and returns a server-spec for installing datomic. You can use this in a group-spec or server-spec.

(group-spec "my-node-with-datomic"
   :extends [(pallet.crate.datomic/server-spec {})])


The datomic crate uses the folowing settings...

(def ^{:dynamic true} *default-settings*
   :version "0.9.4360"
   :type "free"
   :user "datomic"
   :supervisor :upstart
   :service-name "datomic"
   :overwrite-changes false ; Whether to overwrite config file
   :verify false ;; Don't verify the conf script
   :group "datomic"
   :config-path "/etc/datomic"
   :config {:protocol "free", :host "localhost" :port "4334"
            :data-dir "/var/lib/datomic/data"
            :memory-index-threshold "32m"
            :memory-index-max "128m"
            :oject-cache-max "128m"
            :log-dir "/var/log/datomic"}})

:version Version number of datomic to use

:type The version to use. One of #{"free"}. This is only used to figure out what version should be downloaded.

:user The user to install the datomic service and code as. Defaults to "datomic".

:group The group to install the datomic service and code as. Defaults to "datomic".

:config-path The location of the config file. Defaults to "/etc/datomic". The file name would then be /etc/datomic/

:config The data to save to the config-file.

Config (used for the :config key)

:protocol The protocol to use. Defaults to "free"

:host The host to use. Defaults to "localhost"

:port The port to use. Defaults to "4334"

:data-dir The data directory to save the dbs to. Defaults to "/var/lib/datomic/data"

:log-dir The log directory to save the logs to. Defaults to "/var/log/datomic"

:memory-index-max Defaults to no key and no value. (i.e. nothing is written to the config file)

Please note that bin/transactor the java min and max heap sizes are set to 1 GB via the datomic download. Depending on the cloud provider and machine you use it may not start because you don't have that much memory.


Copyright © 2013 Ryan Stradling

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


A pallet crate for datomic






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