GRADREC (Graduate Recruitment) is a web-based system that enables faculty members to advertise Master/PhD positions, provide information about their research projects and the availability of financial aid. Our goal is to become a world leader at connecting high skilled researchers with highly motivated students to create next generation projects and research.
Disclaimer: This was a class project for the Software Engineering course for graduate students at Memorial University of Newfoundland. We used NodeJS and MongoDB for the back-end, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front end.
Install npm and nodejs
Open the terminal in the project home directory.
Clone the repository with the command git clone
enter the new created folder called GRADREC
Run the following command npm install
Run the command npm start to initiate the server
Enter your browser of choice in the URL localhost:3331
Enter your password to login or go to the /signup URL to register.
8.1. Credentials
8.1.1. Student USER: [email protected] PASSWORD: 1234 8.1.2. Administrator USER: [email protected] PASSWORD: admin
For Student
5.1 Home Page
5.2 Apply to Project (Option 1)
5.3 Send Message (Apply to Project Option 2)
5.4 Messages
5.5 Notifications
For Project Managers or Professors
6.1 Home Page (Same as student, but contains a "Create Project" option in the Navbar)
6.2 Create Project
6.3 Messages (Same as the Student's page)
6.4 Notifications
Diagrams and Use Cases
7.1. Assignment 1
7.2. Assignment 2
Points Distribution (40 pts)
8.1. Ruben Chevez (10 pts)
8.2. Carlos Salcedo (10 pts)
8.3. Lucas Critch (10 pts)
8.4. Tian Wang (10 pts)